rexroth 0608750084
Because we routinely maintain hundreds of turbines and compressors, our service teams can adopt procedures and patented maintenance methodologies that have been successful elsewhere.
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GE will present actual machine case histories and perform live demonstrations of both on-site and remote monitoring capabilities, and will discuss how to leverage these tools in your plant. Our numerous 1-day conferences are presented at local venues throughout Latin America and offer an opportunity to learn best practices and discuss actual experiences while connecting with industry peers.
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We offer over 60 hours of technical training on gas turbine, steam turbine, and generator system fundamentals.
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在 2013 年,我们通过在可持续发展方面的不断努力,为丹佛斯集团制定了一项新的可持续发展计划,整合了集团现有和新的发展举措。计划将于 2014 年至 2017 年实施,在此期间,该战略将指导我们的可持续发展工作,并明确我们组织在以下领域的工作目标: