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GE 可帮助您将可靠性项目提高到世界级性能水平。了解如何在降低 60% 维护费用的同时,改善系统的正常工作时间、故障时间和可用性状态。
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For over 30 years, we've been solving tough issues for our customers. We can diagnose your machinery problems and provide the corrective actions that fix the root cause, not just the symptoms.
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Sevinsky notes that it is becoming increasingly common for requests for quotations (RFQs) to require suppliers to document their safety record as part of the bid package. "When bidding on services work, many of our businesses supply their safety metrics as standard operating practice, whether customers ask for it or not," observes Sevinsky, "but the reality is that an increasing number of customers are explicitly asking for this data because it is important to them."