*是一种检测是否熄灭的检测元件.一般由于器上,防止熄灭了后,燃料仍然供给,造成室内可燃性过浓.从而造成 危害! |
其工作原理主要有热量检测式和红外检测两种!热量检测很容易懂得!红外检测是检测产生的红外光,来判断是否熄灭! |
石家庄亿隆机电设备有限公司 |
联系人:郭蕾 13383298872 QQ:3522099346 |
电话:0311-89680693传真:0311-85155030 |
地址:石家庄经济技术区扬子路西头兴发怡园3-5号 |
公司网址:http://www.sjzyilong.com |
订货号 | 三、9073钠表常用备件 |
125=020=003 | 参比电极125=020=003 |
125=010=004 | 测量电极125=010=004 |
09073=A=9803 | 流量控制器09073=A=9803 |
09073=A=9805 | 数字流量计09073=A=9805 |
695=114=000 | 校准微型泵695=114=000 |
696=146=001 | 阀696=146=001 |
09073=C=0035 | 温度09073=C=0035 |
08350=A=8000 | 前置放大器08350=A=8000 |
35,901,600,020 | 电解质供给管件35901600020 |
09073=A=0042 | 电解液容器帽09073=A=0042 |
09073=A=9809 | DIPA容器09073=A=9809 |
08810=A=7050 | 50HZ泵08810=A=7050 |
590=620=025 | 泵管(6根/套)590=620=025 |
687=137=020 | 阀687=137=020 |
35,909,020,020 | 20ppb校准筒/盒35909020020 |
35,909,020,200 | 200ppb校准筒/盒35909020200 |
35,909,020,000 | 过滤器12个/盒35909020000 |
订货号 | 二、8891硅表/8892磷表常用备品备件 |
35,909,200,000 | 母板35,909,200,000 |
35,909,502,000 | 模拟输入(ADC)板35909502000 |
35,909,503,000 | 模拟输入(ADM)板35909503000 |
38890=C=0090 | 电源(PSU)板38890=C=0090 |
35,909,505,000 | 阀驱动板35,909,505,000 |
08892=A=0400 | 40mm测量槽(0~1000ppb)08892=A=0400 |
09097=A=0401 | 40mm测量槽(0~1000ppb,视窗可拆卸)09097=A=0401 |
09097=A=0401 | 40mm测量槽(0~5000ppb)09097=A=0401 |
08891=A=0440 | 光度计08891=A=0440 |
08891=A=0480 | 光度计08891=A=0480 |
08891=A=0247 | 光度计接收和发射单元08891=A=0247 |
35,909,700,600 | 光度计接收和发射单元35,909,700,600 |
38876=A=0700 | 线圈(8892磷表)38876=A=0700 |
260=300=100 | 锂电池260=300=100 |
35,909,700,200 | 样品液位检测35,909,700,200 |
38891=A=6250 | 试剂或溶液液位检测器38891=A=6250 |
35,909,600,500 | 打印机35,909,600,500 |
35,909,600,510 | 打印纸35,909,600,510 |
08891=A=7050 | 泵CA-5E/820,50HZ08891=A=7050 |
359,053,000,007 | 泵电机+变速箱359,053,000,007 |
35,909,000,009 | 泵轴(8个/组,内径5mm/6mm)35,909,000,009 |
35,909,080,000 | 泵管卡子(5片/套)35,909,080,000 |
08891=A=6000 | 泵管,2*90天(5根/套)08891=A=6000 |
38891=C=0214 | 8891硅表前面板,85438891=C=0214 |
689=137=020 | 3/2路阀(方型)689=137=020 |
35,909,700,210 | 3/2路阀不含管接头(圆形)(零点阀,斜率阀35,909,700,210 |
59,999,010,524 | 2/2路阀不含管接头及发光片(排污阀、样品阀)59,999,010,524 |
070=300=031 | 发光片070=300=031 |
14,864,600,060 | 针型阀14,864,600,060 |
15,139,990,002 | 管子1.6*3.215,139,990,002 |
15,139,990,006 | 管子2.4*415,139,990,006 |
15,157,500,006 | 管子4*6(国内定制)15,157,500,006 |
08891=A=6200 | Ver4.5以上(3/套)08891=A=6200 |
14,864,405,125 | 管接头1/8"14,864,405,125 |
14,864,405,062 | 管接头1/16"14,864,405,062 |
495=100=001 | 试剂桶含盖495=100=001 |
Procurement person name: institute of light industry to protect the purchasing agent full name: contact: 010 -, 010 - purchase content: the project name: laboratory capacity expansion of the construction procurement project item number: BKBJ (C) - HG - 1347 laboratory equipment (see the file), amount of procurement: 4496662.6 yuan project name: key laboratory of scientific instruments and equipment procurement project item number: purchase BKBJ laboratory equipment (Z) - HG - 1356) (see the tender documents purchase amount: 3.54 million yuan the subcontract conditions: a total of two packages of the project name: laboratory, field monitoring capacity building procurement project item number: BKBJ (C) - HG - 1348 laboratory equipment (see the file), amount of procurement: 2.913832 million yuan the subcontract conditions: a total of two packages of use, quantity, brief technical requirements: content can be found in the documents the qualifications of bidders, a bidder must comply with the law the provisions of article 22 (1) he the ability to bear civil liability according to law;2) has a good business reputation and sound financial accounting system;3) is necessary to perform the contract equipment and professional technical ability;4) he a good record of lawfully pay taxes and social security fund;5) to participate in procurement activities in the first three years, no major record in business activities;6) other conditions prescribed by the laws and administrative regulations;Purchasing documents shall be the legal representative with the following information: 1) copy of business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate (copy must build official seal of the bidder) 2) as a legal person accredit a power of attorney (original) 3) my original and photocopy (copy must build official seal of the bidder) after qualified, for the record, can buy the project file.文件价格:300.00元币;如果邮购,收费50美元。后的文件。文件购买时间:2014年1月29日至2月17日,2014年在9:30到11:30,下午2:00 4:30(北京时间,节假日除外)文件购买8层80