厦门天络纬是一家专业的感应器、变频器、电机、电磁阀、PLC、变频器等工控工业设备进出口、国外工业控制设备进口私营合伙企业。公司 致力于打造中国专业的感应器、变频器、电机、电磁阀、PLC、变频器等工控工业设备进出口、国外工业控制设备进口企业。公司总部位于中国和亚太地区,拥有庞大的服务网点,为东南亚的电气工业设备提供销售和维修服务。本公司高覆盖、高效率的服务获得多家公司和机构的认可。厦门天络纬有限公司将以专业的精神为您提供安全、经济、专业的服务。
销售经理:韩工 Ennail:tonyhan55(at)163.conn, Q*-Q:925935882
厦门天络纬 Ennail:tonyhan55(at)163.conn, Q*-Q:654648180
Gardner - Denver air line filter / lubrication assembly 299
Gardner - Denver air line filter / lubrication assembly 50
Gardner Denver Wire Wrap Tool 14B1A 110
Gardner Denver Wire Wrap Tool 14B1A 145
Gast Blower Assembly AJ121D muffler / silencer 110
Gast Blower assembly inlet filter 69
Gateway Battery SWU-203 Part# 6500819 Genuine Gateway 125
Gateway Laptop, 8Ghz 1299
General Electric DED 18V 85 quartz-line proj. bulb 10
General Electric DYS/DYV/BHC 600W 120 Quartzline Lamp 10
General Electric DYT 19V 80W Quartzline Lamp 10
General Electric DYT 19V 80W Quartzline Lamp 75
General Electric ELD/EJN 21V 150W Quartzline Lamp 10
General Electric ELD/EJN 21V 150W Quartzline Lamp 75
General Electric ELD/EJN 21V Multi-mirror proj. bulb 10
General Electric EPX 15V 90W Multi-mirror proj. bulb 10
General Electric EYB 82W 360W Quartzline Lamp 10
General Radio Slotted Line Attentuator 874 LBA 2999
General Resistance RDS - 65M Resist-O-Stat II 150
Generator, Aviation Test, TF-150 40
GenRad Channel Expansion module 299
Gift basket with hand poured soaps and candles 20
Globetek WD1D500C00 Class 2 Transformer , open box 90
GO/NO Gage Kit Complete 199
Gold scrap IC's 199
Gould 0117-0560-10 User definable Interface 325
Gould 0117-0560-10 User definable Interface, manual 200
Gould 11-1202-28 Rack with 8 modules 900
Gould 11-1202-28 Rack with 8 modules 750
Gould 11-1202-28 Rack with 8 modules 500
Gould 11-2913-35 Box of 100 Strip charts for recorders 499
Gould 11-2913-35 Box of 100 Strip charts for recorders 499
Gould 11-2913-35 Box of 100 Strip charts for recorders 499
Gould 11-2913-35 Box of 100 Strip charts for recorders 499
Gould 13-4615-10 D.C. Amplifier 900
Gould 13-4615-10 D.C. Amplifier 75
Gould 170 Waveform Processor for Gould Oscilloscopes 200
Gould 170 Waveform Processor for Gould Oscilloscopes 200
Gould 170 Waveform Processor for Gould Oscilloscopes 375
GOULD 56-1440-00 DC Amplifier 45
Gould 5900 Signal er Cage w/ 8 DC Amp plug-ins 125
Gould A14514 Micrprocessor Analysis Package, input cab. 250
Gould A14514 Micrprocessor Analysis Package, input cab. 325
Gould A14514 User-definable Interface, manual 200
Gould A14550 Microprocessor Analysis Package 200
Gould biomation K100-D / 488 GPIB analyzer 19
Gould biomation K100-D / 488 GPIB analyzer 199
Gould K100-D/RS232 Serial Data Analyzer Complete 115
Gould K100D Digital Logic Analyzer 199
Gould K450B Logic Analyzer 599
Gould K450B Logic Analyzer 699
Gould K450B Logic Analyzer 699
Gould Medium Gain DC Amplifier manual 99
Gould Medium Gain DC Amplifier manual 99
Grass Valley 20 Ten Video Matrix W XTRAS 450
Grass Valley Group video production switcher 749
GRC LZ108 (Black) HP LJ IIISi, IIISi PS, 4 Si, 4Si MX, 499
GRC LZ100 Rem. Laser Toner Cartridge 499
GRC LZ100 Rem. Laser Toner Cartridge 499
GreenSpring VME Card 9999
GreenSpring VME Card 250
Gulton FD100 w/ Magnaflux ED520 Eddy Current instrument 119
Hamilton Microlab 500 series diluter/dispenser 1600
Hamilton Microlab 500B diluter / dispenser 699
Haskel GT 32 / 62 two stage gas booster 2500
Hayes 5242QAM ACCURA 28800 Fax w/ power cord 35
Hayes Smartmodem 9600+Fax 96 999
Hayes Smartmodem 9600+Fax 96 25
Hi-Tech Systems EPS recycled black toner cartridge 19
HIAC PC-320 Particle Size Analyzer 400
High Tech Retro programmable stereo turntable 60
High voltage power supply, 0-30 KV, 0-50 microA 325
High voltage power supply, 0-30 KV, 0-50 microA 899
Hilco Deblocking Plier 21-222 199
Hilevel Tech DS270 Emulyzer 1499
Hilevel Technology, Inc. Emulyzer DS270 / tester 1999
Hilevel Technology, Inc. Emulyzer DS270 / tester 599
Hilevel Technology, Inc. Emulyzer DS270 / tester 1999
Hipotronics HiPot and Insulation tester, HD - 103 599
Hitachi CDR-1900S High Speed CD-ROM Drive 40
Honeywell 101E Magnetic Tape Recorder System 4999
Honeywell 117-17 Audio Amplifier 4900
Honeywell 14503200-001 Power Supply w Manual 250
Honeywell 14503200-001 Power Supply w Manual 550
Honeywell 2720 Potentiometer w case 74
Honeywell 8000282-932 Programable Display Generator 4700
Honeywell Dialapak Controller, AV541AB100 399
Honeywell M170 Power Supply Assy. F-18 Trainer 545
Honeywell M176 Power Supply Assy 200
Honeywell M176 Power Supply Assy 299
Honeywell M176 Power Supply Assy 200
Honeywell SIM AC Programmable Display Generator 2400
Honeywell SIM AC Programmable Display Generator 1350
Honeywell Temperature Controller / parts 199
Honeywell Temperature Controller / parts 199
天络纬 Ennail:tonyhan55(at)163.conn, Q*-Q:654648180
Horizontal Meter Mechanism AC SIM 145
Hosiden single earpiece w/ mic / headset 399
Hosiden single earpiece w/ mic / headset 399
HP J2585-60001 network interface card 1242K 1821-1707 999
HP J2585-60001 1242K 1821-1707 999
HP 6296A DC Power Supply Harrison 70
HP 0950-2880 power supply AC adapter 30
HP 0950-2880 power supply AC adapter 35
HP 10 BaseT 24-port Advance Stack Ethernet Hub K2601 75
HP 10525-60015 Pulse Memory 125
HP 10525T Logic Probe w/oper. & service manual 20
HP 10526T Logic Pulser in box w/ manual 999
HP 10833A HP IB cable 199
HP 10833A HP IB cable 299
HP 10833A HP IB cable 29
HP 1100 Series Black Laser Toner Cartridge 55
HP 13264A Data Link Adapter 199
HP 16047D test fixture 249
HP 1631D Logic Analyzer S/N 2518A00788 79999
HP 1631D Logic Analyzer S/N 2518A00788 79999
HP 16500A Logic Analysis System w/ cards 8000
HP 16500A Logic Analysis System w/ options 3500
HP 16500A Logic Analysis System w/ options 6500
HP 16500A Logic Analyzer System w/ cards 1000
HP 1650A Logic Analyzer w/ leads 375
HP 1650A Logic Analyzer w/ leads 375
HP 1650A Logic Analyzer w/ leads 4500
HP 1650A Logic Analyzer w/ leads 4500
HP 1650A Logic Analyzer w/ leads 3000
HP 1650B Logic Analyzer 19999
HP 1650B Logic Analyzer 19999
HP 1650B Logic Analyzer 375
HP 16516A 16 Ch Logic analyzer 1Ghz Timing Expander 2999
HP 16516A 16 Ch Logic analyzer 1Ghz Timing Expander 2999
HP 1651A Logic Analyzer S/N 2814A02191 39999
HP 1651A Logic Analyzer S/N 2814A02191 500
HP 16542A 1MSa Data Analyzer 14999
HP 1710B Oscilloscope 850
HP 1710B Oscilloscope 1475
HP 18652A A / D converter 25
HP 18652A A / D converter 25
HP 18652A A / D converter 25
HP 18652A A / D converter 45
HP 18652A A/D converter 70
HP 18652A A/D Converter 170
HP 18652A A/D Converter 50
HP 18652A A/D Converter 74
HP 18653B Sampler/Event Control Module 99
HP 214A Pulse Generator 1999
HP 214A Pulse Generator 750
HP 2380-60001 JetDirect Working Laserjet 4si 35
HP 24DCDT-500 , Transducer with original box OS 50
HP 30037A Asynchronous Repeater 299
HP 30037A Asynchronous Repeater 299
HP 3300A Function Generator w/ 3301A Aux. plug-in 599
HP 3300A Function Generator w/ 3301A Aux. plug-in 499
HP 3421A Data Acquisition / Control Unit 999
HP 3421A Data Acquisition / Control Unit 999
HP 3421A Data Acquisition/Control Unit 99
HP 3455A Digital voltmeter 199
HP 3478A Multimeter 8999
HP 3478A Multimeter 8999
HP 3488A Switch/Control Unit 140
HP 3497A Data Acquisition Control Unit 975
HP 3497A Data Acquisition Control Unit 975
HP 3497A Data Acquisition Control Unit 375
HP 3497A Data Acquisition/Control Unit 695
HP 3497A Data Acquisition/Control Unit 695
HP 3497A Data Acquisition/Control Unit 695
HP 3497A Data Acquisition/Control Unit 695
HP 3497A Data Acquisition/Control Unit 2500
HP 3498A Extender for 3497A Control Unit, Adds 10 slots 275
HP 355C + HP 355D VHF Attenuator set 185
HP 37203A HP-IB Extender 1499
HP 3782B Error Detector 1499
HP 3782B Error Detector 1499
HP 3852A Data Acquisition System 14999
HP 400E AC Voltmeter p 100
HP 428B Clip-on DC Milliammeter 3999
HP 428B Clip-on DC Milliammeter 3999
HP 432A Power Meter 199
HP 436A HP-IB Programmable Power Meter 475
HP 436A HP-IB Programmable Power Meter 3999
HP 438A Power Meter Manual 24
HP 450 A Amplifier 45
HP 46080A HP-HIL Extension Module 199
HP 46080A HP-HIL Extension Module 199
HP 46084A HP-HIL ID Module 40
HP 4951A Protocol Analyzer 4999
HP 5004A Signature Analyzer 199
HP 5011T Logic Troubleshooting Kit 499
HP 5036A Microprocessor Lab 499
HP 5150A Thermal Printer 150
HP 5150A Thermal Printer 150
HP 5150A Thermal Printer 150
HP 5150A Thermal Printer 150
HP 51640C Cyan Ink Jet cartridge 199
HP 51640C Cyan Ink Jet cartridge 199
HP 51640C Cyan Ink Jet cartridge 18
HP 51640Y Yellow Ink Jet cartridge 29
HP 51640Y Yellow Ink Jet cartridge 199
HP 51640Y Yellow Ink Jet cartridge 199
HP 51644m Magenta Ink Jet cartridge 199
HP 51644m Magenta Ink Jet cartridge 199
HP 51644m Magenta Ink Jet cartridge 26
HP 5180A Waveform Recorder 299
HP 5182-4752 Ethernet Printer Card 40
HP 5182-4752 Ethernet Printer Card 40
HP 5182-4752 Ethernet Printer Card 40
HP 5245L Electronic Counter 200
HP 5245L Electronic Counter 200
HP 5245L Electronic Counter 1299
HP 5245L Electronic Counter 1299
HP 5300A + HP 5310A + HP5302A 75
HP 5300A Measuring System w xtra plug ins 70
HP 5300A Measuring System w xtra plug ins 80
HP 5310A 10 MHz Counter/Digital recorder-parts only 25
HP 5316A Universal Counter 2 Channels 4299
HP 5316A Universal Counter 2 Channels 4299
HP 5335A Universal Counter 20999
HP 5335A Universal Counter 20999
HP 5335A Universal Counter 1400
HP 5335A-040 Universal Counter 8999
HP 5335A-040 Universal Counter 8999
HP 5335A-040 Universal Counter 899
HP 5335A-040 Universal Counter 8999
HP 536A Frequency Meter 1999
HP 536A Frequency Meter 1999
HP 54503A Digital Oscilloscope 3200
HP 546A Logic Pulser 100
HP 546A Logic Pulser 100
HP 59303A D to A Converter-no power, 2 together 999
HP 59307A VHF Waveguide Switch 1799
HP 59307A VHF Waveguide Switch 1799
HP 59307A VHF Waveguide Switch 1799
HP 59309A HP-IB Digital Clock 115-230 Volts 1799
HP 59313A A/D Convertor 99
HP 59401A Bus Analyzer 3299
HP 59401A Bus Analyzer 3299
HP 59401A Bus Analyzer 3299
HP 59401A Bus Analyzer(IEEE-488) w/ operating instr. 3299
HP 59501B Isolated DAC/Power Supply Programmer Double 5999
HP 5970 B Hardware Manual 299
HP 5970 B Operator Training Manual 17
HP 6131C Digital Voltage Source 275
HP 6131C Digital Voltage Source 275
HP 64515C Tester / E Prom Programmer 499
HP 64515C Tester / E Prom Programmer 499
HP 6940 B Multiprogrammer w 7 cards 300
HP 6940 MultiProgrammer With Cards 199
HP 6940B Multiprogammer 35
HP 7035B X-Y recorder w/ instructions and accessory kit 99
HP 7047A X - Y Recorder 119
HP 7047A X - Y Recorder 119
HP 723A Power Supply 199
HP 723A Power Supply 199
HP 723A Power Supply 29
HP 7470A Plotter with HP-IB option 499
HP 8007B Pulse Generator 3799
HP 81500C fiber optic cable 299
HP 81500C fiber optic cable 125
HP 8175A Digital Signal Generator 1500
HP 8175A Digital Signal Generator 2475
HP 83522A Manual RF Plug-In .01-4 GHz 24
HP 8414A Polar Display for 8410B Network Analyzer 2499
HP 8414A Polar Display 8499
HP 8414A Polar Display 8499
HP 8414A Polar Display 8499
HP 8414A Polar Display 8499
HP 8481A Power Sensor 8999
Hp 8484A Power System 5999
HP 8498A 30dB Attenuator 9999
HP 8717B Transistor Bias Supply 99
HP 8756A Scalar Network Analyzer (Calibrated) 695
HP 8756A Scalar Network Analyzer (Calibrated) 695
HP 8756A Scalar Network Analyzer (Calibrated) 695
HP 8820A Low Gain Amplifier 2900
HP 8820A Low Gain Amplifier 475
HP 9134B DISK HP-IB HARD Disk Drive TLS 200
HP 92291C Legal Paper Tray , Open box 100
HP 92294F Envelope paper tray for LJ III 199
HP 92294F Envelope paper tray for LJ III 199
HP 92915A Bar Code Reader 199
HP 92915A bar code reader 199
HP 92915A bar code reader 35
HP 9920 Computer 200
HP 9920 Computer 200
HP A1094-66510 700/720 CPU board 999
HP A1094-66510 700/720 CPU board 999
HP A2518 - 60001 64Mb Memory modules 399
HP A2518 - 60001 64Mb Memory modules 399
HP AC Voltmeter 400E 49
HP AdvanceStack J2600A Hub 5
HP C1525F 60003 Surestore 2000 Internal Tape Drive 275
HP C1525F Surestore 2000 Tape Drive 179
HP C1525F Surestore 2000 Tape Drive 75
HP C1525F-60003 Surestore 2000 Internal Tape Drive 179
HP C1556A Surestore DAT24 External Tape Drive 280
HP C3112-60001 SIMM Color LaserJet 5 PS 799
HP C3112-60001 SIMM Color LaserJet 5 PS 799
HP C3120A LaserJet Color Toner Collection Kit 40
HP C3120A LaserJet Color Toner Collection Kit 70
HP C3900A Laserjet toner for 4V, 4 MV 50
HP C4435A 10 / 20 GB Travan data cartridge 40
HP Color Laserjet Coating Kit C3964A 199
HP Color Laserjet Toner Collection Kit, C3120A 199
HP Color Laserjet Toner Collection Kit, C3120A 199
HP Color Laserjet Toner Collection Kit, C3120A 199
HP Colorado Jumbo 1400 Internal Tape Backup System 1999
HP Colorado T-1000 Internal Tape Drive 100
HP Colorado T1000e Travan Tape Drive 499
HP Colorado T1000e Travan Tape Drive 75
HP Colorado T3000 Internal Tape Drive 300
HP Colorado T3000 Internal Tape Drive 125
HP Colorado XXGBe Travan 20GB Tape Drive 1999
HP DeskJet RS-232 Parallel Port Switch Box 19
HP F1738A port replicator Omnibook XE 59
HP F1738A port replicator Omnibook XE 399
HP F2901A Jornada 560, 580 series PDA battery 35
HP Human Interface Card HP-IB RS-232 19
HP HX292B H to X Adapter + HP 809B Carriage 75
Hp Internet Advisor J2523A 2999
Hp Internet Advisor J2523A 2999
HP J2524A FDDI Interface undercradle /module 4499
HP J2524A FDDI Interface undercradle /module 4499
HP J2552-60003 JetDirect 199
HP J2552-60003 JetDirect 12
HP J2552-60003 JetDirect 12
HP J2552-60003 JetDirect 15
HP J2552-60003 JetDirect 299
HP J2555-60001 Jet Direct 10
HP J2555-60001 JetDirect 24
HP J2555-60003 JetDirect 19
HP J2555-81002 N JetDirect Network Interface Card 100
HP J2555-81002 N JetDirect Network Interface Card 125
HP J2585-60001 network interface card 1242K 1821-1707 125
HP J2600A Network Distribution Management Hub 12-port 80
HP J3113A JetDirect 600N Internal Print Card 999
HP J3113A JetDirect 600N Internal Print Card 999
HP J3113A JetDirect 600N Internal Print Card 125
HP J3200A AdvanceStack Switching Hub-12R 40
HP J3444A Fast Ethernet undercradle / module 11999
HP J3444A Fast Ethernet undercradle / module 11999
HP J4903A 24 port Switch w/free J4858B 300
HP J4903A 24 port Switch w/free J4858B 345
HP J4904A 10/100/1000 48 Port Switch 595
HP J4904A 10/100/1000 48 Port Switch 525
HP JetDirect 10 Base-T Laser Printer Card 10
HP JetDirect 10 Base-T Laser Printer Card 10
HP JetDirect 10 Base-T Laser Printer Card 10
HP JetDirect 10/100 Base-TX Laser Printer Card (RJ-45) 45
HP JetDirect 600N Token ring Printer Card 30
HP JetDirect 600N Token Ring, J3112A 199
HP JetDirect 600N Token Ring, J3112A 99
HP JetDirect 600N Token Ring, J3112A 99
HP JetDirect 600N Token Ring, J3112A 99
HP JetDirect J2552-60013 39
HP JetDirect J2552-6013 JetDirect 24
HP JetDirect J2555-80003 Networking Print Servers 58
HP JetDirect Print server J2594A EX Plus3 40
HP Jordana 560 series PDA cradle, USB 45
HP Jornada 560 series PDA serial cradle 25
HP LanProbe II 4995A Ethernet 999
HP Laser Printer LaserJet 1100 90
HP Laser Printer LaserJet 1100 100
HP Laserjet 1100 printer 75
HP LaserJet DIMM memory, C7845A, 32 Mb 100
HP LaserJet DIMM memory, C7845A, 32 Mb 100
HP P382A Variable Attenuator 9999
HP P382A Variable Attenuator 9999
HP P382A Variable Attenuator 1775
HP P382A Variable Attenuator 1775
HP P382A Variable Attenuator 9999
HP Power Supply missing model no. 6209B 499
HP PR1005 Laptop Docking Station 999
HP PR1005 Laptop Docking Station 75
HP Preamp test equipment amplifier 8803A 99
HP Pulse Generator 214A 350
HP Surestore C1528H Internal Tape Drive 20
HP Surestore C1528H Internal Tape Drive 20
HP Surestore C1528H Internal Tape Drive 75
HP SureStore Tape 6000E / U, 4/8 gB 250
HP SureStore Tape backup 6000E / U, 4/8 gB 999
HP SureStore Tape backup 6000E / U, 4/8 gB 999
HP T-1000 Internal Tape Drive Colorado 225
HP Thermister Measurement 8478A 995
HP ThinkJet Printer Owner's manual 10
HP Token ring Printer Card JetDirect 600N 299
HP Toner Cartridge 92275A for IIP,IIP plus, IIIP 15
HP Toner Cartridge 92291A for IIISi, 4Si, 4SiMX 15
HP Toner Cartridge 92295A for II, IID, III, IIID 15
HP X382A Variable Attenuator S/N 11532 9999
HP X382A Variable Attenuator S/N 16553 9999
HUB,D-Link DE-812 TP Ethernet Twisted-Pair 12 10 base-T 30
Husky EE / EPROM / PAL / GANG / SET Programmer p 65
Hypercard for Mac OS, create software solutions 99
IBM 3852 Printer- 10 ea. Ribbon Cartridges 15
IBM 10-pack Color ink cartridges for JetPrinter 55
IBM 10/100 Etherjet Cardbus (PCMCIA NIC) 60
IBM 10/100 Laptop Etherjet (PCMCIA NIC) 399
IBM 10/100 Laptop Etherjet (PCMCIA NIC) 199
IBM 10/100 Laptop Etherjet (PCMCIA NIC) 199
IBM 21F4867; AS/400 V.24 comm adapter 599
IBM 21F4867; AS/400 V.24 comm adapter 599
IBM 24-port Hub 8245-124 1299
IBM 3161-88-Z4565 Terminal w/ Monitor, Terminal 80
IBM 34L1501 Netfinity Ethernet 10/100 Card 60
IBM 34L1501 Netfinity Ethernet 10/100 Card 60
IBM 3816 Fuser Unit TYPE 5-2323 9999
IBM 3816 Fuser Unit type 5-2323 2999
IBM 3816 Fuser Unit TYPE 5-2323 275
IBM 38H6302 Auto LANStreamer PCI Card 2
IBM 4-port Ethernet Hub 8235032 99
IBM 4-port Ethernet Hub 8235032 70
IBM 5202 High Yield Printer Ribbon Cartridge 99
IBM 5202 High Yield Printer Ribbon Cartridge 25
IBM 5821-10 Modem 175
IBM 5821-10 Modem 275
IBM 5822-10 CSU/DSU 200
IBM 5853 2400 BPS External Modem 999
IBM 6190725 Cleaning Unit for 3816 Pageprinter 80
IBM 63H2041 4043 Laser Toner-Magenta 60
IBM 63H2051 Cyan Laser Color Toner-NIB for IBM 4303 55
IBM 63H2052 Yellow Laser Color Toner-NIB for IBM 4303 60
IBM 63H2052 Yellow Laser Color Toner-NIB for IBM 4303 499
IBM 7208-002 Tape Drive w/ long cable 250
IBM 7208-002 Tape Drive w/ long cable 35
IBM 72X6390, 6153 comm adapter 299
IBM 72X6390, 6153 comm adapter 299
IBM 8228 Multistation Access Unit 40
IBM 8245 124 Networking Hub 24-port 89
IBM 8245-124 10/100 24port Ethernet Hub 199
IBM 8245-124 Ethernet Workgroup Switch, Stackable 450
IBM 8245-124 Ethernet Workgroup Switch, Stackable 450
IBM 8245-124 Ethernet Workgroup Switch, Stackable 475
IBM 8245-124 Ethernet Workgroup Switch, Stackable 475
IBM 92G7632 Token-ring ISA Adapter card, software 20
IBM Box of 10 Color Ink Cartridges for 3852 Printer 50
IBM D18314 Multiport transient voltage line protector 20
IBM D18314 Multiport transient voltage line protector 20
IBM D18314 Multiport transient voltage line protector 20
IBM D18314 Multiport transient voltage line protector 20
IBM Laptop Docking Station 19
IBM LCD THINKPAD A31 TFT SCREEN 15" p/n 05K9933 199
IBM M Keyboard 29
IBM Multiport Transient Voltage Line Protector 8184209 199
IBM Multiport Transient Voltage Line Protector 8184209 199
IBM Netfinity Manager software 99
IBM Printer Option-, in open box 275
IBM Q050 S251197 LTO Fiber Interface S/N 1063610001 975
IBM Q050/S251197 LTO Fiber Interface S/N 1063610001 9999
IBM Quick Charger 02K6642 Notebook T20 95
IBM Quick Charger P/N02K6642 25
IBM software, AIX V3 bundle 499
IBM software, AIX V3 bundle 499
IBM software, AIX V3 bundle 45
IBM software, AIX V3 bundle 199
IBM Thinkpad Docking Station w/ keys Type 3547-001 299
IBM Thinkpad Docking Station w/ keys Type 3547-001 299
IBM Thinkpad Docking Station w/ keys Type 3547-001 40
IBM ThinkPad External Charger 02K6499 199
IBM ThinkPad External Charger 02K6499 199
IBM ThinkPad External Charger 02K6499 299
IBM ThinkPad External Charger 02K6499 299
IBM ThinkPad External Charger 02K6499 30
IBM VisualAge for Java 0 Enterprise Edition 399
IBM VisualAge for Java 0 Enterprise Edition 299
IBM VisualAge for Java 0 Enterprise Edition 499
IBM VisualAge for Java 0 Enterprise Edition 299
Idustrial Scientific TMX412 Oxygen Sensor, batt. charge 1300
Idustrial Scientific TMX412 Oxygen Sensor, batt. charge 1300
Idustrial Scientific TMX412 Oxygen Sensor, batt. charge 699
iGO Mobile Adapt DC Adjustable DC adapter 199
iGO Mobile Adapt DC Adjustable DC adapter 25
iGO Mobile Adapt DC Adjustable DC adapter 199
iGO Mobile Adapt DC Adjustable DC adapter 199
Ikegami ITC-735 Professional Video Camera 759
Indicator , Pressure Oil 1 1/2" SIM AC 26V 150
Indicator Boost Pump w Yellow tag 150
Industrial Scientific 1810-1907 2 Unit Battery Charger 750
Industrial Scientific 1810-1907 2 Unit Battery Charger 775
Inflammation :An Introduction to the Study of Pathology 199
Infocus LitePro 620 w Hardshell Travel Case 700
Infocus LitePro 620 w Hardshell Travel Case 595
InFocus LP725 Mutimedia Projector 20
Ingersoll-Rand Ball (Globe) Valve 20
Inline AV010 IN3010 RGBS Distribution Amplifier 75
Inmac 1902 Clear Signal T-switch 35
Inmac 8015 Clear Signal Mux 5000 16-port S/N G04B16 3999
Intel MCS-51 Utilities Guide for DOS systems 499
Intel 2000465-1C MCP Board B 350
Intel 2000465-1C MCP Board B 475
Intel ACSMC-51 MCS-51 Utilities Guide for DOS systems 499
Intel DCM911-1 Intellink 499
Intel DCM911-1 Intellink 499
Intel i960 SCSI Raid Controller Board 2 MB 40
Intel Netport Express 10/100 w Pwr Adapter 99
Intel S9530AB Controller Card 24
Interface Technology ABA 500 Portable Test Unit 1500
Interface Technology Bus Analyzer 553A 2099
Interface Technology Bus Analyzer 553A 2099
Interface Technology Bus Analyzer 553A 20999
Intermatic T 101 R 24 Hr. Dial Time Switch SPST 39
Interstate Electronics P25 Pulse Generator 3499
Interstate Electronics P25 Pulse Generator S/N 693 3499
Iomega Jaz V1000S Zip Drive 1 GB 40
Iomega PR-1000 Promax Tape Drive 1GB 70
Iomega PR-1000 Promax Tape Drive 1GB 70
Iomega Z100P2 Zip Drive 40
Iomega Z250P Zip Drive 20
Iomega Zip 100 Internal Zip Drive 20
Iomega ZIP 100 Zip Drive 20
Iomega Zip100 Floppy Zip Drive 299
ITT P-18-0, mini M to M pin tip plug patch cord p 99
ITT P-18-0, mini M to M pin tip plug patch cord p 99
ITT Pomona 4691-9526 CS Military Test Adapter Unopened 19
ITT Pomona Mil Spec 4691-0 9524 19
ITT Pomona Military Spec MS27467725835SC 25
ITT Pomona MS27468T21B35P Crimp Type Pin 50
IWASHITA AD3000V Pressure Regulator 6999
IWASHITA AD3000V Pressure Regulator 975
Jackson Protective Safety Goggles 6
Jackson Protective Safety Goggles 4
Jackson Protective Safety Goggles 4
Jackson Protective Safety Goggles 4
Jetflight Co., Inc. CHIPhERASER, EProm UV 29
Jetflight Co., Inc. CHIPhERASER, EProm UV 29
JPD 20v 200w Projector Lamp 10
JVC AA-G10U Battery Charger 500
JVC AA-P41AU A/C Power Adapter 999
JVC BR-S410U VCR VHS Tested 1775
JVC BR-S410U VCR VHS Tested w/ camera 1000
JVC BR-X41OU VHS Video Cassette Recorder 1400
JVC BR-X41OU VHS Video Cassette Recorder 1400
JVC BR-X41OU VHS Video Cassette Recorder 975
JVC BR-X41OU VHS Video Cassette Recorder 975
Keithley Test System w/ 7002 Switch System 9999
Keithley Test System w/ 7002 Switch System 9999
Kemet Electronics C222T335MR5CR Capacitors 10 per box 24
Kemet Electronics C222T335MR5CR Capacitors 10 per box 75
Kemet Electronics T491B685K010AS Capacitors 300
Kepco ATE 6-10M, 100W 1/4 rack power supply 999
Kepco ATE 6-10M, 100W 1/4 rack power supply 999
Kepco Power Supply JQE 0-36V 0-3A 80
Kepco Power Supply JQE 0-36V 0-3A 94
KEPCO power supply JQE 36 – 3M 65
Keystone Learning Systems Crystal Reports 6 Level 2 VHS 20
Keystone Learning Systems Delph 4 Video Level 3 10
Keystone Learning Systems Delph 4 Video Level 4 10
Keystone Learning Systems Delph 4 Video Level 5 10
Keystone Learning Systems Delph 4 Video Level 6 10
Keystone Learning Systems Delphi 0 Adv. Level 2 Kit 699
Keystone Learning Systems Delphi 0 Adv. Level 3 Video 499
Kingston KTH 750/32 Mb memory upgrade module 499
Kingston KTH 750/32 Mb memory upgrade module 399
Kingston KTH 750/32 Mb memory upgrade module 499
Kingston KTH 750/32 Mb memory upgrade module 499
Kingston KTH 750/32 Mb memory upgrade module 399
KIOSK ELO 15" Touch PANEL, Dell P4 scanner, printer 1095
KIOSK ELO 15" Touch PANEL, Dell PIII, scanner, printer 695
KIOSK ELO 15" Touch PANEL, Dell PIII, scanner, printer 695
KIOSK ELO 15" Touch PANEL, PIII, scanner, epson ptr 525
Ko Rec Type 3029-0 Black Brother 7420 Printer Ribbon 12
Ko Rec Type 3029-0 Black Brother 7420 Printer Ribbon 12
Ko Rec Type Nylon Ribbon for Epson MX 70/80 Printer 16
Ko Rec Type Nylon Ribbon for Epson MX 70/80 Printer 16
Ko Rec Type Nylon Ribbon for Epson MX 70/80 Printer 16
Kodak 40 digital camera 99
Kodak 40 digital camera 99
Kodak Carousel Transvue 80 Slide Tray 20
Kodak Carousel Transvue 80 Slide Tray 20
Kodak Ektographic III AMT Projector w 150-230mm Lens 299
Kodak Model 2 Ektagraphic Universal Slide Tray 80 Cap. 20
Kodak Pageant 16mm Sound Projector 100
Kodak PCD Writer 200 Plus 275
Koyo Closed Circuit TV Camera & Mount 999
Koyo Closed Circuit TV Camera & Mount 999
Kratos Microammeter, 0-202 uA 299
Kratos Microammeter, 0-202 uA 299
Kratos Spectral Programmer II 1299
Kratos Spectral Programmer II 1299
Krautkramer - Branson KB 6000 Operating Manual 199
Krautkramer - Branson KB 6000 Operating Manual 199
Krohn-Hite 5400A Function Generator 500
Kronos time clocks model 400 / 460F 199
Kronos Universal Relay, Bell Relay 400 29
KROY 80 1403000 Lettering System Labeler 499
KROY 80 1403000 Lettering System Labeler 75
KROY 80 1403000 Lettering System Labeler 75
Kroy A217 Kroy 300 Labeling Cartridges white on black 14
KURZWEIL AI KVS Voice Pad Pro 30
Kyowa RTP 600B, frequency-modulator Data Recorder JE 495
Kyowa RTP 600B, frequency-modulator Data Recorder JE 495
Kyowa RTP-600B, Data Recorder 700
L & N Portable Calibrator / Tester , Multifunction 799
La Mont de Paris 135 Gold/Amber Glasses frame, lens 499
La Mont de Paris 135 Gold/Amber Glasses frame, lens 75
Laird GC7000 Termedia Video Gen. FM7501 Module 1475
Laird Termedia Video Generator 7000 800
Laminator GBC Docuseal 1200 19
Lancast 4322 F / O micro transceiver 499
Lancast 4322 F / O micro transceiver 499
Laptop / Notebook carry bag 15
Laptop / Notebook carry bag 15
Laptop / Notebook carry bag 15
LARSCOM Access-T Network Access DSU/CSU 49
Laser Precision Corp Radiation Chopper CTX-534 1299
Laser Precision Corp Radiation Chopper CTX-534 1299
Laser Precision CTX-534 Radiation Chopper 150
LEE DATA 3015 Communications Controller Series 3000 1799
Lenco CCE 850 Color Encoder 10
Lenco PCD 473 NTSC Video decoder 499
Lenco PCD 473 NTSC Video decoder 499
Lenco PCD 473 NTSC Video decoder 499
Lenco PCD 473 NTSC Component decoder 75
Lexcel Lancetap 800686-001 Network Monitor 80
Lexcel Lancetap 800686-001 Network Monitor 49
Lexcel Lancetap Network Monitor # 800686-001 45
Link Electronics PFM-100, PPS-102 AC Unit, Power Supply 500
Link Electronics PFM-100, PPS-102 AC Unit, Power Supply 775
Links LS Trial Nine Kapalua Bay course, golf game 99
Linksys Ethernet 10 base-Thub model EEHUB16/LlNKSYS TLS 99
Linksys Ethernet 10 base-Thub model EEHUB16/LlNKSYS TLS 99
Littelfuse FLSR25, SLO-BLO, 3
Logitech 3001 Wingman Joystick 99
Logitek Military Spec PMS 3422A 120VAC 45
Loral Data Systems SBA100A Digital Data Analyzer 3500
LOT Laptop Keyboards (10) Compaq 99
Loudspeaker, University Sound D361670 40
Lucent 6210 phone, HAC p 699
Lucent 6210 phone, HAC p 699
Lucent 8101A01B Mutiline Speakerphone 75
Lucent 8101A01B Mutiline Speakerphone S/N 989T33005451 499
Lucent Technologies PM 2150B - 48 port 320
Lucent Technologies PM 2150B - 48 port 1499
Lucent Technologies PM 2150B - 48 port 1499
Lucent WiFi WaveLan PC Card 11Mb Turbo Gold 299
Luckenbach Hiles Codec Companion 2400 Video Conference 75
LXE 2280 Terminal for Scanner w/ battery 1000
LXE 2280 Terminal for Scanner w/ battery 1775
LXE 6280 Series 6200 Base Station With Manual 215
M230 Bond Tester 199
M230 Bond Tester 199
MacBeth TD100 Quantilog Densitometer-for parts only 90
Macintosh Powerbook AC Adapter DC5V / 2A 299
Macintosh Powerbook AC Adapter DC5V / 2A 299
Macintosh Powerbook AC Adapter DC5V / 2A 30
Magnehilic Gage #2205C 100
Magnehilic Gage 2205C Aircraft tools 95
Magnehilic Gage open box 2205C Aircraft tools 80
Magnum 56KEAM Fax Modem 144 13
Marsh Gage J6212 + Vacuum Brand Open Box 14
Mass Microsystems 2S3MDMMS5 Dual CD-ROM Drive 2799
Master View CPU Switch / KVM 4 port / PS 2 / AT 599
Master View CPU Switch / KVM 4 port / PS 2 / AT 599
Matheson Gas Products Hydrox Purifier 299
Matheson Gas Products Hydrox Purifier 299
Matrix Science Military Spec 5000-054-16 50
Matrix Science Military Spec M83723/02R2221N 50
Matrox MG-641/8 Video Card SIM Flight trainer 50
Matrox MG-641/8 Video Card SIM Flight trainer 60
Maxell Broadcast Quality U-matic tapes, KCA60 99
Maxell md2HD 5 1/4 floppy disk 10
MB Electronics HCC24 Multiplier 75
McAfee Virus Scan Software for Windows 98/95 10
McAfee Virus Scan Software for Windows 98/95 10
McAfee VirusScan 8
Mechanical Force Gauge, Amtek, 150 lbs 250
Megatape GT-88 5 External Tape Drive 275
Megatape GT-88/5 External Tape Drive 150
MELCO SLMKII Peripheral Sharing Device 49
Memory Expansion for HP Laserjet, H33477B 199
Memory Expansion for HP Laserjet, H33477B/$0 SHIP 65
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1000FS Resistors Qty. of 290 29
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1001FS Resistors Qty. of 300 30
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1052FS Resistors Qty. of 100 10
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1052FS Resistors Qty. of 200 20
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1133FS Resistors Qty. of 190 19
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1242FS Resistors Qty. of 290 29
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1423FS Resistors Qty. of 190 19
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1433FS Resistors Qty. of 200 20
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1501FS Resistors Qty. of 290 29
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H1822FS Resistors Qty. of 290 29
天络纬 Ennail:tonyhan55(at)163.conn, Q*-Q:654648180
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H2432FS Resistors Qty. of 200 20
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H2873FS Resistors Qty. of 290 29
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H3160FS Resistors Qty. of 290 29
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H3572FS Resistors Qty. of 290 29
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H4422FS Resistors Qty. of 200 20
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H5620FS Resistors Qty. of 290 29
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H7501FS Resistors Qty. of 290 29
Mepco Military Spec RNC55H7681FS Resistors Qty. of 300 30
Mepco RNC55H2873FS Box 100 Resistors 25
Mepco/Centralab electrolytic capacitor, 75 VDC, 10
Metcal STSS-CTS-11 Cable Shield Tester, Solder 4999
Metrosonics DL716 Data Acquisition System 250
Metrosonics DL716 Data Acquisition System 9999
Mi Spec DBMM5W5S Connectors, Unopened Quantity of 6 15
Micom 5000BT/D Marathon Telecom Networking System 3499
Micom Micro 800 Data Concentrator 818 GT 775
Micom Micro800 Data Concentrator 818/GT 7999
Micristar 828-D10 403 Controller Temp. 2 Chan. 2475
Micristar 828-D10-403 Controller Temp. 2 Chan. 14999
Microscan MS-510 399
Microscan MS-510 barcode scanner 699
Microsoft Access 97 48
Midwest Microwave 2090 2070 Termination 775
Midwest Microwave 2090, 2070 Termination 400
Mikron Infrared Thermometer 199
Mikron Infrared Thermometer 199
Mil Spec 2206441-004 cable connectors 900
Mil Spec 37662783-001 Indicators Quantity of 2 15
Mil Spec M85049/41-6A Adapter, Cable 19
Mil Spec 1151107 Terminal Blocks Quantity of 8 15
Mil Spec MS35649-244 Nuts Quantity of 5 9
Mil Spec P-18-0 Pin Tip Patch Plug Cord 10
Mil SPec 03-09-1064 Connector 10
Mil Spec 10-pack ARTISAN WDG-23 30
Mil Spec 10-pack UMPCO WDG-14 30
Mil Spec 10-pack UMPCO WDG-14 99
Mil Spec 10-pack UMPCO WDG-14 10.5
Mil Spec 10-pack UMPCO WDG-17 30
Mil Spec 1000252-12 Machine Bolt Quantity of 10 10
Mil SPec 100225-4-011 Clamp 25
Mil Spec 100225-4-011 Hydra-Zorb Clamp Assembly 20
Mil Spec 10030-SS-0256 Handle 12
Mil Spec 1003255-03 Circuit Breaker 14
Mil Spec 1008878-011 Box Cover 99
Mil spec 1008878-011 Cover, Box Quantity of 2 9
Mil Spec 1009443-001 Captive Screws Quantity of 4 10
Mil Spec 101835-127 Quantity of 72 20
Mil Spec 101835-2 Square Rods Quantity of 12 20
Mil Spec 103920-004 Eye Rod Quantity of 4 50
Mil Spec 11422-2 Quantity of 5 9
Mil SPec 2-323932-2 Quantity of 635 100
Mil Spec 2-327137-2 Quantity of 6 35
Mil Spec 21100-138 Quantity of 4 7
Mil SPec 24-10-201-10 Latch Quantity of 2 55
Mil SPec 4691-2 9526 CS Test Adapter 10
Mil SPec 553637-3 Quantity of 3 5
Mil SPec 60-10015-1 Threaded Nut 5
Mil Spec 65039-028 QUantity of 7 10
Mil SPec 696389 Washer Assembly Quantity of 7 20
Mil SPec 75-10-23 Quantity of 5 20
Mil SPec 898-41-R100 Quantity of 7 10
Mil Spec 900 7 BD10 50
Mil Spec 98747-7820736-001-MFR36378 B 52 200
Mil Spec ADB-77125 Bullet Nose Pins Quantity of 2 65
Mil Spec AN174-11 Quantity of13 15
Mil Spec AN174-6A Machine Bolt Quantity of 9 20
Mil Spec AN174-6A Machine Bolt Quantity of 9 35
Mil Spec AN175C13 Machine Bolts Quantity of 2 10
Mil Spec AN320C4 Quantity of 105 40
Mil SPec AN824-16J 135
Mil Spec AN960-C416L Quantity of 490 20
Mil SPec AN960C516L Quantity of 16 5
Mil SPec BLG6W25-29PB Connector 25
Mil Spec BWHR20J Resistors Quantity of 2 4
Mil Spec C944-832-3B Quantity of 450 99
Mil Spec Cable Clamps 10-pack EXACTO WGD15 30
Mil Spec Cable Clamps 10-pack UMPCO WDG-19 30
Mil Spec Cable Clamps 9-pack ARTISAN WDG-23 99
Mil Spec CPT2 Cover Plate Quantity of 5 10
Mil Spec D-659-0042 Quantity of 63 17
Mil SPec D38999/46WC35SN Socket 50
Mil Spec DFM-39-046 Resistors Quantity of 1 2
Mil SPec EGPF60 Nuts Quantity of 54 29
Mil Spec EGPF60 Quantity of 26 10
Mil Spec F-632-1 Quantity of 400 40
Mil Spec FH4C6CPL01BK Quantity of 116 30
Mil SPec FHS-440-8 Quantity of 25 10
Mil SPec HC-10-2 Clamp Quantity of 2 20
Mil Spec MPS3M13DL01BK Quantity of 14 99
Mil SPec MS16208-52 Machine Bolt Quantity of 9 10
Mil Spec MS20426DD2-3 Quantity of 80 30
Mil Spec MS24399-7 Reducer, Flared 10
Mil Spec MS24693-C274B Quantity of 24 15
Mil SPec MS3126F16-26S Electrical Connector 45
Mil SPec MS3407L18-32P Connector 25
Mil SPec MS3470L14-19P Connector 25
Mil SPec MS3470L20-16P Connector 25
Mil SPec MS3470L20-16P Connector 35
Mil SPec MS3470L22-55P Connector 25
Mil SPec MS3476L20-41S H Connector 24
Mil Spec NAS1101-3-12 Machine Screws 28
Mil Spec NAS1635-06-5 Quantity of 96 40
Mil SPec NAS1635-06-6 Machine Screws Quantity of 931 29
Mil Spec NAS1635-3-12 Machine Bolt Quantity of 95 20
Mil Spec NAS1635-3-52 Machine Bolts Qty of 50 15
Mil Spec NAS1676C2 Washer, Lock Quantity of 44 10
Mil Spec NAS1829C6G08 Quantity of15 18
Mil Spec NAS43DD1-47 Quantity of 10 10
Mil Spec NAS601-138 Screw, Machine Quantity of 6 19
Mil Spec NAS602-10B Quantity of 86 35
Mil Spec NAS602-6B Machine Screws Quantity of 46 40
Mil Spec NAS620-416 Flat Washer Quantity of 20 10
Mil Spec ND1714 Quantity of 588 55
Mil spec Package of 10 ADEL WDG26 Cable Clamps 30
Mil Spec PK-50HB Subplate 20
Mil Spec PK-50HB Subplate 35
Mil Spec PS10F8CPS01BK Quantity of 194 20
Mil Spec PS4C8CPS08GY Quantity of 102 20
Mil Spec PS8C6CPS08GY Panel Screws Quantity of 31 25
Mil Spec RC07GF123J Resistors Quantity of 8 8
Mil Spec RC07GF133J Resistors Quantity of 9 9
Mil Spec RC07GF392J Resistors Quantity of 7 7
Mil Spec RC07GF564J Resistors Quantity of 11 11
Mil Spec RC07GF622J Resistors Quantity of 11 11
Mil Spec RC07GF623J Resistors Quantity of 13 13
Mil Spec RC07GF752J Resistors Quantity of 11 11
Mil Spec RC07GF753J Resistors Quantity of 12 12
Mil Spec RC20GF122J Resistors Quantity of 5 5
Mil Spec RC20GF153J Resistors Quantity of 6 6
Mil Spec RC20GF182J Resistors Quantity of 5 5
Mil Spec RC32GF221J Resistors Quantity of 2 4
Mil Spec RC32GF3R0J Resistors Quantity of 1 2
Mil Spec RCR07G124JS Resistors Quantity of 6 6
Mil Spec RCR07G134JS Resistors Quantity of 5 5
Mil Spec RCR07G163JS Resistors Quantity of 5 5
Mil Spec RCR07G184JS Resistors Quantity of 6 6
Mil Spec RCR07G203JS Resistors Quantity of 4 4
Mil Spec RCR07G223JS Resistors Quantity of 3 3
Mil Spec RCR07G332JS Resistors Quantity of 6 6
Mil Spec RCR07G514JS Resistors Quantity of 75 75
Mil Spec RCR20G154JS Resistors Quantity of 92 92
Mil Spec RCR20G203JS Resistors Quantity of 2 2
Mil Spec RCR20G273JS Resistors Quantity of 84 84
Mil Spec RCR20G274JS Resistors Quantity of 86 86
Mil Spec RCR20G274JS Resistors Quantity of 86 35
Mil Spec RCR20G274JS Resistors Quantity of 86 35
Mil Spec RCR20G333JS Resistors Quantity of 87 87
Mil Spec RCR20G470JS Resistors Quantity of 90 90
Mil Spec RCR20G470JS Resistors Quantity of 90 35
Mil Spec RCR20G470JS Resistors Quantity of 90 35
Mil Spec RCR20G473JS Resistors Quantity of 90 90
Mil Spec RCR20G514JS Resistors Quantity of 91 91
Mil Spec RCR20G563JS Resistors Quantity of 87 87
Mil Spec RCR32G514JS Resistors Quantity of 48 96
Mil Spec RCR42G182JS Resistors Quantity of 25 50
Mil Spec RCR42G2R0JS Resistors Quantity of 6 12
Mil Spec RCR42G471JS Resistors Quantity of 25 50
Mil Spec RCR42G681JS Resistors Quantity of 25 50
Mil Spec Resistors Quantity of3 6
Mil Spec RN60D6341F Resistors Quantity of 100 10
Mil Spec RNC60H2553FS Resistors 7
Mil Spec SFSW4C7DS04YE Panel Screws Quantity of 98 30
Mil Spec SFSW8C12CPS0804 Quantity of 9 10
Mil SPec SFSW8C12CPS08GY Quantity of 7 5
Mil SPec SRSW4C6CPS04YE Panel Screws Quantity of 218 30
Mil SPec SX2-35 Quantity of 8 10
Mil Spec T999-1000 Power Supply 40
Mil SPec TBAG83 Terminal 40
Mil Spec Z609-1-502 Resistors Quantity of 2 6
Mil Spec. Cable Clamps WDG-25 EXACTO 10-pack 30
Military 1000723-03 Bearing, Sleeve Quantity of 24 20
Military 100225-4-011 Clamp Assembly Unopened 20
Military 229-052153 Filter Cap 9
Military 23930-20-20 Pipe 100
Military 293444 Pipe to Union Quantity of 2 30
Military 3741959-430 Cable Assembly Unit 1000
Military 37662677-001 Brackets Quantity of 3 30
Military 57609 Nipple, Pipe Quantity of 2 19
Military 6289990-002 Plate, .50 Thick 10
Military 6289990-002 Plate, .50 Thick 10
Military 6289990-002 Plate, .50 Thick 10
Military 91070834D Grommet 5
Military Cable Clamps 10-pack EXACTO WGD15 99
Military Cable Clamps 9 ct EXACTO WDG-25,22 30
Military Cable Clamps 9-pack EXACTO WGD15 20
Military cable Clamps UMPCO WDG-14,19 12ct 30
Military Cable clamps-7 EXACTO WGD-24, 3 UMPCO WDG-22 20
Military Clamp Assemblies 2 each 14
Military MS3126F14-19S Connector for 9003935 Qty. 2 85
Military Spec 0010 004 21 30
Military Spec 1/4KM00-S Quantity of 2 20
Military Spec 10-pack Apr-86 WDG-22 25
Military Spec 10-pack UMPCO Aircraft Clamps WDG-22 30
Military Spec 1001577-02 Quantity of 51 65
Military Spec 1002221-12 Quantity of 9 55
Military Spec 1004013-14 100
Military Spec 1004013-14 100
Military Spec 1004013-14 Quantity of 2 200
Military Spec 1004132-06 Quantity of 106 20
Military Spec 1007628-001 15
Military Spec 1008501-001 Quantity of 147 28
Military Spec 1008765-002 Valve Quantity of 3 200
Military Spec 1009110-015 Quantity of 8 25
Military Spec 1009443-001 Quantity of 63 19
Military Spec 1009443-002 Quantity of 72 30
Military Spec 101835-136 Quantity of 7 9
Military Spec 101835-17 Quantity of 21 29
Military Spec 103498/1 Quantity of 38 20
Military Spec 11422-1 Quantity of 250 18
Military Spec 1150-0439-02, OR MCD12-04K1 15
Military Spec 120-000-032 Quantity of 24 20
Military Spec 12HTX Quantity of 1 20
Military Spec 14949TNA1-1-75 20
Military Spec 15002-1 Quantity of 4 74
Military Spec 15006-3 Quantity of 4 20
Military Spec 16-12F5BX-S 20
Military Spec 16-12TRBTX-S Quantity of 4 50
Military Spec 1670RS625 Quantity of 21 45
Military Spec 201046-2 Quantity of 89 20
Military Spec 20330-16-16 Quantity of 4 100
Military Spec 20330-16-16 Quantity of 4 100
Military Spec 20630-12-8 Quantity of 5 60
Military Spec 2171 15
Military Spec 2185248-001 Computer Cable 60
Military Spec 2205939-003 80
Military Spec 2206441-004 900
Military Spec 2277 Quantity of 5 20
Military Spec 23930-4-4 Swivel Fitting Quantity of 10 70
Military Spec 275-0009 Quantity of 2 20
Military Spec 289438 Quantity of 87 20
Military Spec 293248 Quantity of 6 35
Military Spec 3005P-1-203 Var N Resistors Qty of 1 10
Military Spec 30682-8-8 Quantity of 3 40
Military Spec 307708-1 Quantity of 3 50
Military Spec 308031-1 Quantity of 1 15
Military Spec 309107-001 Quantity of 2 60
Military Spec 309202-001 Quantity of 2 15
Military Spec 3122E16-26P 65
Military Spec 3252X-1-202 Var N Resistors Qty of 1 8
Military Spec 3572 T30 40
Military Spec 36009-81-00 Quantity of 100 40
Military Spec 37010037-038 Quantity of 3 20
Military Spec 37662825-001 Quantity of 5 50
Military Spec 37664977-003 35
Military Spec 37665483-001 Quantity of 7 29
Military Spec 37665718-001 Quantity of 2 25
Military Spec 37670110-136 Hose Assembly Quantity of 8 150
Military Spec 4004167-01 Quantity of 9 25
Military Spec 410206-1 50
Military Spec 4317 Quantity of 9 20
Military Spec 437063 Quantity of 58 20
Military Spec 45-260NP Quantity of 94 50
Military Spec 453506 Quantity of 2 45
Military Spec 453516 Quantity of 2 40
Military Spec 4719 25
Military Spec 4SBTX-S Quantity of 2 30
Military Spec 503E 20
Military Spec 504573-101 Quantity of 16 29
Military Spec 534-20K Precision Potentiometer Qty of 1 10
Military Spec 53577 Quantity of 14 45
Military Spec 53583 Stud Assembly Quantity of 65 40
Military Spec 53988ASSYA000620-006 Quantity 1 Roll 80
Military Spec 55LR20K Potentiometer Qty of 1 8
Military Spec 600-HL Quantity of 746 40
Military Spec 601-J Quantity of 266 25
Military Spec 602-J Quantity of 439 50
Military Spec 65-02-52 Quantity of 99 25
Military Spec 6533181 Quantity of 1747 85
Military Spec 6839 Quantity of 3 20
Military Spec 68XR5K RESISTOR 20
Military Spec 69764 Quantity of 4 20
Military Spec 745508-3 Quantity of 136 20
Military Spec 75-10-23 Quantity of 48 45
Military Spec 75-10-23 Quantity of 50 40
Military Spec 75-10-23 Quantity of 50 45
Military Spec 7820734-050 Disconnect Assembly 80
Military Spec 7822084-003 Quantity of 10 29
Military Spec 7822128-001 Quantity of 153 20
Military Spec 8016120000603 45
Military Spec 804461-03 15
Military Spec 8078-N-0440 Quantity of 46 20
Military Spec 8116-00-6-32 Quantity of 7 50
Military Spec 812-045 Quantity of 40 50
Military Spec 812-045 Quantity of 40 125
Military Spec 82-32-101-20 Quantity of 109 20
Military Spec 827-S Quantity of 233 55
Military Spec 8282464-010 Cable Assembly Unit 19
Military Spec 834-2K Precision Potentiometer 10
Military Spec 850-014-016 Quantity of 6 15
Military Spec 90108A029 Quantity of 23 10
Military Spec 9086A113 Quantity of 14 30
Military Spec 91251A542 Quantity of 68 25
Military Spec 9540K11 Quantity of 43 15
Military Spec A3-31 Quantity of 1 30
Military Spec ADB77126 Quantity of 2 30
Military Spec AM43B-6A Quantity of 18 45
Military Spec AML64KB1E Quantity of 8 45
Military Spec AN173-5A Quantity of 13 20
Military Spec AN17373-5A 10
Military Spec AN174-11 Quantity of 10 20
Military Spec AN175-11A Quantity of 8 25
Military Spec AN175C12 Quantity of 50 30
Military Spec AN3-17A Machine Bolts Quantity of 120 45
Military Spec AN316-5R Quantity of 22 20
Military Spec AN320-12 Quantity of 50 35
Military Spec AN4-31A Quantity of 5 30
Military Spec AN4-36 Quantity of 15 30
Military Spec AN5-7 Quantity of 20 20
Military Spec AN8C34A Quantity of 9 35
Military Spec AN960-2016 Quantity of 34 30
Military Spec AN960D10 Quantity of 80 20
Military Spec AN960D10 Quantity of 90 15
Military Spec AN970-4 Quantity of 10 15
Military Spec ATS2-428 Quantity of 67 100
Military Spec BZ-5K-43-BK 15
Military Spec CFHC-632-4 Quantity of 78 45
Military Spec Dale RNC55H4752FS Quantity of 100 20
Military Spec Dale RNC55H6192FS Quantity of 100 10
Military Spec Dale RNC55H6491FS Quantity of 390 39
Military Spec Dale RNC55H64R9FS Quantity of 190 19
Military Spec Dale RNC55H6810FS Quantity of 290 29
Military Spec Dale RNC55H6811FS Quantity of 290 29
Military Spec Dale RNC55H6981FS Quantity of 190 19
Military Spec Dale RNC55H6981FS Quantity of 290 29
Military Spec Dale RNC55H7320FS Quantity of 190 19
Military Spec Dale RNC55H7500FS Quantity of 290 29
Military Spec Dale RNC55H75R0FS Quantity of 290 29
Military Spec Dale RNC55H8060FS Quantity of 100 10
Military Spec Dale RNC55H8060FS Quantity of 190 19
Military Spec Dale RNC55H8250FS Quantity of 290 29
Military Spec Dale RNC55H9090FS Quantity of 200 20
Military Spec Dale RNC55H9091FS Quantity of 190 19
Military Spec Dale RNC55H9310FS Quantity of 100 20
Military Spec Dale RNC55H9310FS Quantity of 190 19
Military Spec Dale RNC55H9310FS Quantity of 290 29
Military Spec Dale RNC55H9761FS Quantity of 290 29
Military Spec Denco Aerospace MS51505B24 Qty. of 2 150
Military Spec DLA 900-81A-A358-0645 Var N RESISTOR 8
Military Spec DLA 900-81A-A358-0645 Var N RESISTOR 8
Military Spec DLA900 80-A-A231-1660 RESISTOR, var n 8
Military Spec DLA900 80-A-A231-1903 RESISTOR, var n 8
Military Spec DLA900 80-P-8921 Var N RESISTOR 8
Military Spec DLA900 81-P-3905 RESISTOR, var n 8
Military Spec DLA900 81-P-E594 RESISTOR, var n 8
Military Spec DLA900 81-P-E594 Var N RESISTOR 8
Military Spec DLA900 81-P-P544 RESISTOR, VAR N 8
Military Spec DLA900 81-P-P544 RESISTOR, VAR N. 8
Military Spec DLA900 82 A A329 0771 RESISTOR, VAR 8
Military Spec DLA900 82-M-7767 RESISTOR, VAR N 8
Military Spec DLA900 82-M-9986 Var N RESISTOR 8
Military Spec DLA900 82-P-J805 RESISTOR, VAR N 8
Military Spec DLA900 85-A-A190 RESISTOR, var n 8
Military Spec DLA900-81-A-A427 RESISTOR, VAR.,N 8
Military Spec DLA900-81-A-A427 RESISTOR, VAR.,N 25
Military Spec DLA900-82-M-7767 RESISTOR, VAR.,N 8
Military Spec DLA900-82-M-7767 RESISTOR, VAR.,N 25
Military Spec DLA900-84 RESISTOR, ADJUSTABLE Qty of 1 8
Military Spec DLA900-84-A-A331 Adjustable RESISTOR 8
Military Spec DLA900-85-A-A190 VAR W RESISTOR 8
Military Spec EC100F-6 Quantity of 2 15
Military Spec F439857 Quantity of 3 25
Military Spec FHC6C10CPS04YE Quantity of 95 19
Military Spec FHNY-022-0 Quantity of 275 60
Military Spec H111P0C93-110 Quantity of 5 15
Military Spec Hansen SERIES4-HKP Quantity of 2 60
Military Spec M24308/25-6F Quantity of 2 Unopened 10
Military Spec M24308/41F Unopened 40
Military Spec M244308/2-5F 40
Military Spec M39019/02-209 Unopened 24
Military Spec M6106/3-001 Quantity of 6 45
Military Spec M7885/3-4-7 Quantity of 37 20
Military Spec M81935/1-5 Quantity of 7 60
Military Spec M83734/13-031 20
Military Spec M85049/48-1-4 15
Military Spec MML91D Quantity of 30 35
Military Spec MP109-2 Quantity of 128 20
Military Spec MPS3M13DL01BK Quantity of 100 30
Military Spec MS17829-9F Quantity of 5 15
Military Spec MS21251-A2S 20
Military Spec MS24693-S8 Quantity of 5 15
Military Spec MS25281-R2 Quantity of 6 15
Military Spec MS25281-R2 Quantity of 6 125
Military Spec MS27212-6-8 Terminal Board 40
Military Spec MS27655-22D,MS27490-22D Unopened 60
Military Spec MS27980-8C Quantity of 2 15
Military Spec MS3338-6839 Quantity of 9 20
Military Spec MS35307-331 Quantity of 46 20
Military Spec MS35307-331 Quantity of 9 15
Military Spec MS35649-2254 Quantity of 12 15
Military Spec MS51862-1 Quantity of 43 20
Military Spec MS51862-1 Quantity of 8 15
Military Spec MS51957-43 Quantity of 6 15
Military Spec MS51959-14B Quantity of 468 25
Military Spec MS51959-18 Quantity of 12 15
Military Spec MS90725-13 Quantity of 3 15
Military Spec MTCC1RCOAX01S01 20
Military Spec N453849 Pipe Nipple Quantity of 23 50
Military Spec NAS1100-08-7 Quantity of 17 25
Military Spec NAS1112-38D Quantity of 7 70
Military Spec NAS1454-6-0508 Quantity of 8 15
Military Spec NAS1454-6-0812 Quantity of 10 35
Military Spec NAS1635-08-8 Quantity of 92 20
Military Spec NAS1635-3-6 Quantity of 18 25
Military Spec NAS17989-3 Quantity of 5 20
Military Spec NAS428K5-12 Quantity of 16 40
Military Spec NAS514P440-7 Quantity of 181 20
Military Spec NAS620-416 Quantity of 522 30
Military Spec NAS620-416 Quantity of 847 40
Military Spec NAS620-416 Quantity of 99 20
Military Spec NAS671-6 Quantity of 471 30
Military Spec PS10F10CPS01BK Quantity of 74 40
Military Spec PS10F10CPS03YE Quantity of 60 45
Military Spec PS4C8CPS08GY Quantity of 200 20
Military Spec PS8C16CPS01WH Quantity of 133 30
Military Spec PS8C16CPS01WH Quantity of 95 40
Military Spec PSC68DL02GY Quantity of 80 19
Military Spec PW002200 Quantity of 9 19
Military Spec PWS 38-6 Quantity of 12 20
Military Spec RA20NASD100A Var RESISTOR 10
Military Spec RC07GF334J RESISTOR Qty of 10 10
Military Spec RC07GF432J RESISTOR Qty of 11 11
Military Spec RC07GF822J RESISTOR Qty of 12 12
Military Spec RC20GF223J RESISTOR Qty of 5 5
Military Spec RCR07G104JS RESISTOR Qty of 3 3
Military Spec RCR07G114JS RESISTOR Qty of 5 5
Military Spec RCR07G204JS RESISTOR Qty of 4 4
Military Spec RCR07G244JS RESISTOR Qty of 3 3
Military Spec RCR07G274JS RESISTOR Qty of 3 3
Military Spec RCR07G304JS RESISTOR Qty of 3 3
Military Spec RCR07G394JS RESISTOR Qty of 3 3
Military Spec RCR07G472JS RESISTOR Qty of 4 4
Military Spec RCR07G474JS RESISTOR Qty of 3 3
Military Spec RCR07G513JS Resistors Qty. of 90 9
Military Spec RCR07G513JS Resistors Qty. of 90 25
Military Spec RCR07G562JS Resistors Qty. of 40 4
Military Spec RCR07G562JS Resistors Qty. of 40 25
Military Spec RCR07G562JS Resistors Qty. of 50 5
Military Spec RCR07G562JS Resistors Qty. of 50 25
Military Spec RCR07G823JS Resistors Qty. of 90 9
Military Spec RCR07G823JS Resistors Qty. of 90 25
Military Spec RCR20G102JS RESISTOR Qty. of 89 89
Military Spec RCR20G103JS Resistors Quantity of 12 12
Military Spec RCR20G103JS Resistors Quantity of 12 35
Military Spec RCR20G103JS Resistors Quantity of 12 35
Military Spec RCR20G392JS Resistors Quantity of 92 92
Military Spec RCR20GF152J RESISTOR Qty of 5 5
Military Spec S54N Quantity of 8 30
Military Spec SS-202-1 Quantity of 11 40
Military Spec SSS-54 20
Military Spec UB15KKG-01E-JB Quantity of 2 30
Military Spec UD20N00D000 Quantity of 1000 30
Military Spec WHT-100 Quantity of 236 25
Military Spec ZSP10-1003-1 Quantity of 21 15
Military Yellow Connector Body Quantity of 9 20
Mitsubishi Video Copy Processor P71U 1499
Mitsubishi Video Copy Processor P71U 1499
Mitutoyo Digital Micrometer 152-404 775
Mitutoyo Digital Micrometer 152-404 4999
Moisture Tester Delmhorst Model BD-8 60
Molytek 2702 Scanner Data Logger 39999
Molytek 2702-4A1-R Strip Chart Recorder 3400
Monarch 9445 Online Printer, 350
Monitor 620 Tektronix B029272 499
MontBlanc 16490 eraser refill Boheme SL pencil 199
MontBlanc 16490 eraser refill Boheme SL pencil 199
MontBlanc 16491 erasers Meisterstuck pencil 199
Moog 150-104A, Servo Power Supply 1350
Moog 305-002, Brushless Motor 199
Moog Brushless Motor 305-111A 2499
Moog Brushless Motor 305-111A 2499
Moog Brushless Motor 306-007 1999
Moog Brushless Motor 306-007 1999
Moog Servo Actuator 85-393 199
Moog,pn#305-002, Brushless Motor 180
Moog,pn#305-002, Brushless Motor 180
Motorola 133-1 MVME Board 13999
Motorola 320B-1 MVME Board 13999
Motorola B03-4-020 Battery for phones 15
Motorola HT90 2-way Radio 80
Motorola HT90 2-way Radio , Handheld radio 245
Motorola MVME 050 VME Bus Sys. Controller 240
Motorola Nextel i2000 plus World phone 65
Motorola Nextel i2000 plus World phone 65
Motorola Semiconductor 2N3251 lot of 25 35
Motorola VME Board UIPC 850
MS Office 97 OEM 129
MS Office 97 Small Business Edition 120
MS Windows NT Workstation 0 w/Svc PK 4 p 29
MTS 413-8 Master Control Tested 19" Rackmount 550
MTS 4118 Master Control S/N 337 39999
MTS 4181 Master Control 3000
MTS 417 Counter Panel 4101 145
MTS 4485 Test Controller With Xtras 1000
MTS 4485 Test Controller With Xtras 900
Multichannel filter,Krohn-Hite model 3916 299
MVME 701A I/O ,Motorola Transition VME Module 220
National Controls 5800 MK - 1V counting scale 999
National Inst. GPIB 410, Cable and Soft. 4 Test Equip. 425
National Instruments Hi-Q Real World Math manuals 300
National Instruments NI-482 for DOS GPIB Software 350
National Instruments NI-482 for DOS GPIB Software 85
National Instruments SCXI 1100 32-CH Multiplexer Amp 3499
National Instruments VXI - MXI w/ INTX module 2499
National Instruments VXI - MXI w/ INTX module 2499
National Instruments VXI-MXI with INTX 175
National Instruments, VXI-MXI with INTX 160
National Instruments, VXI-MXI with INTX 160
National Semiconductor IC 4041350-001 199
National Semiconductor IC 4041350-001 199
National Semiconductor IC 4041350-001 199
National Semiconductor IC 4041350-001 199
Navan Products VD192-00002-0884 Staking Tools 450
Navan Products VD192-00002-0884 Staking Tools 450
NCD Explora (XA) Complete 45
NCR 53C400 Video Card 3
NCR Tolerant 53C400A SCSI Controller Card 30
NEC laptop AC adapter, OP - 520 - -4401 395
NEC AA Battery Adapter MC-BA10 199
NEC AA Battery Adapter MC-BA10 199
NEC CDR-38 CD-ROM Reader 299
NEC CDR-38 CD-ROM Reader 299
NEC DT-003 DM Data Module 49
NEC NL10276BC20-04 10.4" XGA LCD Screen 269
NEC P 110/120/180 / Phone battery 199
NEC P 110/120/180 / Phone battery 199
NEC P 110/120/180/ Phone battery 199
NEC P 110/120/180/ Phone battery 99
Netopia R7100-C SDSL Router 399
Network Communications Corp. 6620A Network Probe 1299
Network Communications Corp. 6620A Network Probe 1299
Network Computing Devices HMX X Terminal 999
Network Monitor,Lexcel Lancetap # 800686-001 35
Networks Northwest BReeze 2000-001-untested 45
Networth Series 4000 Ethernext 10Base-T Module 12-port 400
Networth Series 4000 Satellite Command Center 12-port 400
NHC Twinstar III Networking hub 6-port 351004 48
NI SCXI 1163 32-CH Isolated Digital Output 2499
NI SCXI 1163 32-CH Isolated Digital Output 2499
NLYNX 4-port Networking Device MAU 8224 Plus 40
Nokia cable connector 7/16 male - RF ? 199
Nokia cable connector 7/16 male - RF ? 199
Nokia cable connector 7/16 male - RF ? 199
Nokia CS72826 7/16 Male-RF 1 5/8 Cable Connector lot 4 96
Nokia CS72826 7/16 Male-RF 1 5/8 Cable Connector lot 4 96
Nokia CS72826 7/16 Male-RF 1 5/8 Cable Connector lot 4 96
Norand EM 30 LR Barcode Scanner 399
Norand RC 2250 Network Controller TLS 1100
Norand RC2250 Network Controller 350
Norand RC2250 Network Controller 475
Norand RC2250 Network Controller-parts only 55
Norelco ELD/EJN 21V 150W Projector Lamp 10
Norelco DEK 120v 500w Projector Lamp 10
Norelco FCS 150W 24V Projector Lamp Movies 10
Nortel Networks Contivity 100 75
Nortel Networks Contivity 100 65
Northern Telecom Digital Announcer 275
Northern Telecom Digital Announcer 275
Northern Telecom Digital Announcer 125
Northern Telecom Digital Announcer 125
Northern Telecom M2112 Business Phone 49
Northern Telecom M2112 Business Phone 275
Notebook Leather-Like Laptop Carrying Case 20
Nu-Kote BM 173 Toshiba P1340/1350 Typewriter Ribbon 10
Nu-Kote BR113N Monroe Marc II Typewriter Ribbon 10
天络纬 Ennail:tonyhan55(at)163.conn, Q*-Q:654648180
NuKote RF102 Ink Jet Cartridge System 299
Numatics 92010 Air Valve 99
Numatics 92033U Valve Sealed 99
Nummatics Valve, pilot solenoid spring return 199
Nut Ball Screw, Warner Series R 105
Nut Ball Screw, Warner Series R 129
Nuvotech TurboStar hub 299
Nuvotech TurboStar hub 299
Nylon Ribbon 8750 Printer Ribbon for Epson MX 70/80 10
Ohaus Calibration Weights 5999
Ohaus Calibration Weights 475
OKI Toner Okipage 16n OL 1200 Refill 99
OkiData OL 400/800 Series Laser Toner 55
Olicom 2175 Network Interface Card 99
Olicom 2175 Network Interface Card 99
Olicom OC-3611 Token-Ring STP 1499
Olympus KLS-2250 High Intensity Light Source 4575
Omega Engineering 180A-02-K-O Print Chart Recorder 1000
Omega Meter 500 accessory kit Free Shipping 70
Omnidata model 217 Datapod / Cassette Reader 299
Omnidata model 217 Datapod / Cassette Reader 299
Optex video camera shoulder support CS 2010 299
Optical Cables with wrist straps 40
Options by IBM 09N3601 Ethernet PCI 10/100 adapter 299
Options by IBM 09N3601 Ethernet PCI 10/100 adapter 125
Options by IBM 09N3601 Ethernet PCI 10/100 adapter 299
Options by IBM 09N3601 Ethernet PCI 10/100 adapter 25
Oriel 68805 Universal power supply, 50 - 200 watts 299
Oriel 68850 Photofeedback 250
Oriex AC Adapter Power Supply PA-6504 199
Orion Instr.OmniLab Computer Integrated Instrumentation 799
Ortec 551 Timing SCA EG&G 224
Oxygen Regulator High Pressure Type MA-1 Mil Spec 75
P.K. Neuses Spring Tension Gauge 0-30 grams 199
Pacific Instr. 8250 Signal Transducer ing Amp 699
Pacific Instr. 8250 Signal Transducer ing Amp 699
Pacific Measurements 15484 Detector Simulator 4299
Packard Bell MCC1MO MediaSelect 5
Panasonic 3CCD Professional Video Camera, AG-DP800P Call
Panasonic AG-A750 1000
Panasonic AG-A750 350
Panasonic AG-A750 Editing Controller 900
Panasonic AG-B11 AC adapter 299
Panasonic AU-J10 Multiple Source Adapter 400
Panasonic AU-J10 Multiple Source Adapter 475
Panasonic KX P451 toner cartridge / KXP 4420 199
Panasonic LF-7300A Optical Disk Drive CD Burner 7499
Panasonic TBC-200 Time Generator 5999
Panasonic TQ-2026F Optical Disk Recorder 999
Panasonic TQ-2026F Optical Disk Recorder 999
Panasonic WV-3600 Color Video Camera W Extras 485
Paper Safe for photo / light sensitive materials 299
Papst-Motoren Type 6248-006 Enclosure fan, 6 1/2" , 48V 50
Papst-Motoren Type 6248-006 Enclosure fan, 6 1/2" , 48V 50
Papst-Motoren Type 6248-006 Enclosure fan, 6 1/2" , 48V 50
Papst-Motoren Type 6248-006 Enclosure fan, 6 1/2" , 48V 50
Papst-Motoren Type 6248-006 Enclosure fan, 6 1/2" , 48V 50
Paradyne 9120-A1-203 FrameSaver 999
PARADYNE Comsphere 3610-A4-002 Modem 45
Parallel Storage Solutions PDS-4 External Tape Drive 100
Parallel Storage Solutions PDS-4 External Tape Drive 125
Parity Systems PS5605 DISK DRIVE UNIT 65
Parker Super Quink Ink Cartridges, Washable Blue 199
Parker Super Quink Ink Cartridges, Washable Blue 199
PC Access Gimini 3 Compunet 2000 Internet Telephone 19
PCI I/O Card model 101843 TLS 20
PCI I/O Card model 101843 TLS 20
PCSI Netrix Clarity Series Voice Multiplexer CS8000 1499
PCSI Netrix Clarity Series Voice Multiplexer CS8000 1499
Peanuts-USF PT51 Gold Child's Eyeglass Frame 35
Peanuts-USF PT51 Gold Child's Eyeglass Frame 35
Pentel 0.3mm 2H Micro fine, Hi-Polymer 99
Pentel 0.3mm 2H Micro fine, Hi-Polymer 99
Pentel 0.5mm 2H, Hi-Polymer
Pentel 0.5mm 2H, Hi-Polymer Super 99
Pentel 0.5mm H, .020" Hi-Polymer Ultra fine 10.99
Pentel 0.5mm H, .020" Hi-Polymer Ultra fine 10.99
Pentel 0.9mm H, .036" Ultra fine Hi-Polymer 10.99
Pentel 0.9mm H, .036" Ultra fine Hi-Polymer 10.99
Perkin Elmer differential scanning calorimeter, DSC-2 899
Perkin Elmer Heater Control 1599
Perkin Elmer Heater Control 199
Perkin Elmer Heater Control 299
Perkin Elmer Heater Control 1599
Perkin Elmer Heater Control 1599
Perkin Elmer Temperature Program Control UU - 1 99
Perkin Elmer Temperature Program Control UU - 1 99
Perkin Elmer Temperature Program Control UU - 1 99
Perkin Elmer Temperature Program Control UU - 1 99
Perkin Elmer Temperature Program Control UU - 1 175
Perkin Elmer TMS-1 Probe, 219 - 0233 395
Perkin Elmer TMS-1 Probe, 219 - 0233 199
Perkin Elmer TMS-1 Probe, 219 - 0233 199
Philips PM 3057 50MHz Oscilloscope 45
Philips PM 3057 50MHz Oscilloscope 290
Philips PM 3070 , Fluke 100MHz Oscilloscope 1500
Phillips PM 3266 100Mhz Storage Oscilloscope 99
Phrasor Scientific Gas PID Control Unit 1999
Phrasor Scientific Gas PID Control Unit 1499
Phrasor Scientific Gas PID Control Unit 2499
Phrasor Scientific Gas PID Control Unit 1999
Physical Acoustics Corporation Spartan 199
Pico Macom PHC-12U Passive Headend Combiner 499
Pico Macom PHC-12U Passive Headend Combiner 499
Pitney Bowes J676 999
Pitney Bowes J676 999
Pitney Bowes J676 999
Pitney Bowes J676 499
Pitney-Bowes Printpowder toners for 9070/9056 copiers 50
Pitney-Bowes Printpowder toners for 9070/9056 copiers 50
Pitney-Bowes Printpowder toners for 9070/9056 copiers 50
Pitney-Bowes Printpowder toners for 9070/9056 copiers 50
Plasma-scan model PSS-2 199
Plastic Clips packs of 98 10
PMC Recorder Calibrator model 16014 199
PMC Recorder Calibrator model 16014 199
Poets EK-17 White Business Telephone 499
Poets EK-6 Business Telephone 499
Poets EK-6 Business Telephone 499
Poets EK-6 Business Telephone 499
Poets P-6 Multi-line Business Telephone 499
Poets P-6 Multi-line Business Telephone 499
Poets P-6 Multi-line Business Telephone 499
Poets P-6 Multi-line Business Telephone 499
Poets P-6 White Business Telephone 499
Polaroid Land Camera 710 ID System, foot pedal, lam. 7999
Polaroid Spectra System SE 10
Polaroid Spectra System SE 10
Polaroid Super Shooter Land Camera 199
Polaroid Super Shooter Land Camera 199
Power Cords Package of 5 test equipment,computers 12
Power Cords with accessories 20
Power Monitor,PMA Logitek PMA3612 16
Power Supply ACME SPS30DA 12/15 19
Power Supply ACME SPS30DA 12/15 19
Power Supply ACME SPS30DA 12/15 19
Power Supply ACME SPS30DA 12/15 19
Power Supply super mite A model# PSMAX23-12Y2Y 150
Power Supply super mite A model# PSMAX23-12Y2Y 100
Power Supply, Internal, DC outs 299
Power Supply, Internal, DC outs 299
Power Supply, Internal, DC outs 299
Power Supply, TDM O.V. Protected 26
Power Supply,Systron Donner HR40-5B 150
PowerDesigns regulated DC power supply, 0 - 50V 399
Powerstat Variac 136B transformer 599
Powertek 9K5-200-17-5878-1 Power Supply Simulator Ready 160
Powertek 9K5-200-17-5878-1 Power Supply Simulator Ready 300
Pratt & Whitney Electronic Digital Height Gauge 9999
Precise Sensors Corp. PTS-500 299
Precise Sensors Corp. PTS-500 299
Precision Digital ENC – 7 199
Pretec CompactFlash to PCMCIA Adapter 95
Printronix PTX 300-4 Box of 6 Prtr Ribbon by Wallace 15
Pro Audio Video Camera Package Panasonic AG-460, AG-450 1425
Pro Audio Video Camera Package Panasonic AG-460, AG-450 1200
Programmable Display Generator,Honeywell, AC 1000
Programmable Display Generator,Honeywell, AC 1000
Projection Display Products Light Valve 2999
Projection Display Products Light Valve 2999
Projection Display Products Light Valve assembly 299
Projection Lamp EKX Radiac 24V-200W Tungsten Halogen 19
Projection Lamp GE ELD/EJN 21V 150W 199
Projection Lamp GE ELD/EJN 21V 150W 199
Projection Lamp Philips EPZ 50W 18V Dichrolic Reflect 19
Projector Lamp ELH 120v-300w 19
Projector Lamp EPX Radiac 15V-90W 19
Projector Lamp EPZ 50w 18v T3 Bulb 11
Proteon p3280 ProNET-80 Counterrotating Ring Unit 40
Proteon p3280 ProNET-80 Counterrotating Ring Unit 40
Proteon p3280 ProNET-80 Counterrotating Ring Unit 40
Proteon p3280 ProNET-80 Counterrotating Ring Unit 399
Proteon p3280 ProNET-80 Counterrotating Ring Unit 40
Proteon p3280 ProNET-80 Counterrotating Ring Unit 40
Proteon p3280 ProNET-80 Counterrotating Ring Unit 40
Proteon ProNET 2400 Wire Center 45
PROTEX Int'l. inventory control security alarm 25
PROTEX International sensors, Lot 10 199
PROTEX International sensors, Lot 10 15
PROTEX Interntional inventory control sensor 399
QMS 1710063-001B WASTE TONER PACK 5-PK 99
QMS Magicolor CX Printer Toner-Laser Cyan 24
QMS Magicolor CX Printer Toner-Laser Yellow 299
Quadram Microphaser 65
Quadram Microphaser 62
Quartet Tri-Lite Easel 299
Racal 10-Base-T Ethernet Router RNX 6050 70
Racal Milgo Excalibur DAP Modem CSU/DSU 150
Racal-Milgo Omnimode 4 Data Modem 100
RAD Interface Converter MIC-24/35 75
Radio Shack 33-3004 Unidirectional Dynamic Microphone 50
Radio Shack 33-3004 Unidirectional Dynamic Microphone 50
Radioshack 33-3004 Unidirectional Dynamic Microphone 499
Radioshack 33-3004 Unidirectional Dynamic Microphone 499
Radioshack MX-1000 6-channel Microphone Mixer 999
Radioshack MX-1000 6-channel Microphone Mixer-Parts 999
Radisys EPC-2E,VME Module Mainboard w EXM-10 200
RC 5WI Professional Quality Headphones w/ Mouthpiece 19
RCA Cables, 3' /lot of 25 99
RCA Cables, 3' /lot of 25 99
RCA TC1910A Closed Circuit Video Equipment 85
Real PC for Power Mac, Run PC games on your MAC 99
Realistic Ultra Direction Electret Mic 33-1062 499
Realistic Ultra Direction Electret Mic 33-1062 499
Red Hat 8210D4 Valve Solenoid Open Box 24
Relay, 4463 KHV 11D11-24 #192 12
Relay, MH-91074-1 12
Republic Electronics MTS-100 TACAN Ramp test set 99
Resist - O - Stat II resistance unit RDS65M 299
Retracting Clamp Enerpac 1591C 55
Ricoh 100/4000/7000 Series Fax Toner- 4 Boxes 49
Ricoh 8/15 Copier Toner Kit for LLP4080, LP4081, LP4150 299
Ricoh Fax Toner Developer 1000/4000/7000 Series 40
Ricoh Fax Toner Developer 1000/4000/7000 Series 35
Ricoh Laser toner kit 80/150-for LP4080, 4081, 4150 60
Rob Roy Military Spec MS90376-22Y 25
Rockwell Electronic Commerce 151 Center Operator 999
Rolm 62100 Multi-line Speakerphone , open box RP240 1699
Rolm 62100 Multi-line Speakerphone , open box RP240 125
Rolm 62100 Multi-line Speakerphone RP240 1699
Rolm 62100 Multi-line Speakerphone RP240 125
Rolm Phonemail Muti-line speakerphone 699
Rolm Phonemail Muti-line speakerphone 699
Rolm Phonemail Muti-line speakerphone 699
Rolm Phonemail Muti-line speakerphone 15
Rolm X60280 Muti-line speakerphone w/ display 799
Rolm X60280 Muti-line speakerphone w/ display 799
Rolm X60280 Muti-line speakerphone w/ display 20
Rose Electronics HS-4KM Keyboard Monitor Switch 24
Ryan Herco Polyethylene (PE) tubing, 100ft. Roll 299
Ryan Herco Polyethylene (PE) tubing, 100ft. Roll 299
S. Himmelstein Hollow Torquemeter Call
S. Himmelstein RTM hollow torquemeter Call
Samonsite Oyster GLX business travel case 25
Samonsite Oyster GLX business travel case 25
Samonsite Oyster GLX business travel case 25
Samsung 12 Button Speakerphone w/LCD 495
Samsung B-CDMA 8 port base station 9999
Samsung B-CDMA 8 port base station 9999
Scan-It! by Digital Media Labs 99
Scan-It! by Digital Media Labs 99
Schaevitz AngleStar Digital Protractor DP-60 599
Schenk Pegasus servo valve 249
Schenk Pegasus servo valve Call
Schlumberger EMR1170 Frequency Response Analyzer 599
Schlumberger EMR1170 Frequency Response Analyzer 799
SCI Systems Data Link Coupler DLC - 12 / 3 199
SCI Systems Data Link Coupler DLC - 12 / 3 199
Science Accessories 101-001111183-001 2D Digitizer 200
Science Accessories 101-001111183-001 2D Digitizer 275
Scientific Atlanta 1711 Microwave measurement receiver 199
Scientific Atlanta 1780 Phase Amplitude Receiver 15999
Scientific Atlanta 1780 Phase Amplitude Receiver 2475
Scientific Atlanta 1833A-20 Radiometer 1300
Scientific Atlanta 1840 Digital Synchro Display 1300
Scientific Atlanta 1844 Digital Position Indicator 1300
Scientific Atlanta 1844 Digital Position Indicator 2475
Scientific Atlanta 2011 Digital Positioner Programmer 27999
Scientific Atlanta 2011 Digital Positioner Programmer 4975
Scientific Atlanta 2012 Positioner Programmer 15999
Scientific Atlanta 2012 Positioner Programmer 2475
Scientific Atlanta 8601 Set Top Terminal-Parts only 4499
Scientific Atlanta SD1201 Manual Vg condition 35
Scientific Atlanta SD1201 Manual Vg condition 24
Scientific Atlanta SD1201/SD1500 Manual 35
Scientific Atlanta SD1201/SD1500 Manual 24
Scientific Atlanta SD1500 SIAM manual 35
Seagate APS 100576 8GB Travan Tape Drive 2499
Seagate APS 100576 8GB Travan Tape Drive 275
Seagate DAT 9950 Internal Tape Drive 20
Seagate IMP ST41200N SCSI Tape Drive 150
Seagate Internal Tape Drive 150
Seagate ST41200N SCSI Tape Drive 325
Seagate STT63200P External Tape Drive 125
Seagate STT63200P External Tape Drive 325
Semiconductor,Motorola 2N3251 lot of 25 Brand 34
Semiconductor,Motorola 2N3251 lot of 25 Brand 34
Sentry 200 recorder / electric meter 999
Sentry 200 recorder / electric meter 999
Serial Data Analyzer, Gould, K100-D/32 50
Servo Controller , Moog 152D423 925
Servo Power Supply, Moog 150-104A 1000
Servo Power Supply, Moog 150-104A 1000
Sharp 2025/2030 toner for copiers 35
Sharp BCQ - XGE650UB1 lamp for LCD projector 1499
Sharp Copier Toner Black SF-980NT1 40
Sharp Fax Machine FO-DC600 16 ppm laser 495
Sharp Fax Machine FO-DC600 16 ppm laser 495
Sharp Fax Machine FO-DC600 16 ppm laser, copier, scan 199
Sharp FO-21BC black ink cartridge 199
Sharp FO-25CC color ink cartridge 199
Short Path Thermal Desorption TD-4 17999
Short Path Thermal Desorption TD-4 1200
Short Path Thermal Desorption TD-4 17999
Shure Teleconference phone system 299
Side indicator gage MN 1135 – HBC 99
Siemens ACCB Listed Telephone Equipment 1999
Siemens ACCB Listed Telephone Equipment 275
Siemens Euroset Plus 2111 Business Telephone 499
Siemens L30808-X5051-A304 Multi-line Speakerphone 599
Siemens L30808-X5051-A304 Multi-line Speakerphone 599
Siemens L30808-X5051-A304 Multi-line Speakerphone 599
Siemens L30808-X5051-A304 Multi-line Speakerphone 75
SIIG IO-1809 High Speed I/O Professional 1299
Silicon Graphics D4-MCO-BOB Multichannel Option 800
SIM display Video & Pulse Delay Cage Prime 90
SIM Hud or MFD screen 7"x6" Infodex 77M143 120
SIM Hud or MFD screen 7"x6" Infodex 77M143 179
SIM Hud or MFD screen 7"x6" Infodex 77M143 140
SIM Joystick Multi AC 50
SIM Joystick Multi AC 60
SIM Oil Pressure indicator 1 1/2" Multi AC 26V 120
SIM Transformer, M27-56-18 14
SIM, panel Lighting Transformer, Variable Power 33
SIM, panel Lighting Transformer, Variable Power 32
SIM, panel Lighting Transformer, Variable Power 33
SIM, panel Lighting Transformer, Variable Power 32
SIM,Fuel Indicator Aviation Avionics w Tag 150
Simpson 260 AFP-1 Multimeter, Analog 199
Simpson 605 series 2 Multicorder w/manual 99
Simpson Ammeter Steel Six Line 45
Simpson multicorder model 604 series 2 199
Singer Gertsch ADC-10 Auto Angle Digital Converter AC 125
Skinner V5 Series Solenoid Valve 399
Skinner V5 Series Solenoid Valve 399
Skotel TCR-80 Time code Reader 195
SMC Medical ContacScope 99
SMC Medical ContacScope 99
Socket 56k Modem CF card 199
Sony BVW-20 Video Cassette Betacam Player 12V DC 900
Sony EDM - 1300 3 GB Rewritable, Box of 5 499
Sony EVO-1000 Video Cassette Recorder 8mm 1200
Sony EVO-1000 Video Cassette Recorder 8mm 1775
Sony F-VX50 Studio Microphone 499
Sony SDT-5010 Tape Drive 999
Sony SVO-1410 HQ with Wireless Remote 45
Sony Tektronix 390AD Programmable Digitizer 199
Sony VO-5600 Professional VCR 1400
Sony WDC-610 Writable Disk Controller-no power, parts 500
Sony WDC-610 Writable Disk Controller-no power, parts 275
Southwestern Bell Telecom SBT ET-6-3 Business Phone 499
Southwestern Bell Telecom SBT ET-6-3 Business Phone 499
Southwestern Bell Telecom SBT ET-6-3 Business Phone 499
Spanish Keyboard, P/S2, Compaq 99
Spanish Keyboard, P/S2, Compaq 99
Spectra Physics SP 5720 Cryogenic Temp. Controller 1299
Spectra Physics SP 5720 Cryogenic Temp. Controller 799
Spectra Physics SP 5720 Cryogenic Temp. Controller 799
Spectral Dynamics SD 1500 Digital Vibration Manual 30
Spectral Dynamics SD 1500 Digital Vibration Manual 30
Spectral Dynamics SD1201 Manual 30
Spectral Dynamics SD1201 Manual 30
Spectral Dynamics SD1201/1500 Manual 35
Spectral Dynamics SD1201/1500 Manual 199
Spectral Dynamics SD1201/1500 Manual 30
Spectral Dynamics SD1201/1500 Manual 30
Spectral Dynamics SD400A System Control 100
Spectral Dynamics/Scientific Atlanta SD131-4 70
Spectron ATU - 4 299
Spectronics Spectroline 1500 Power Supply 999
Speedstream 3020 ADSL adapter 299
Speedstream 3020 ADSL adapter 299
Speedstream 5260 Ethernet ADSL Modem , open box 100
Spellman LCM 18PX1487 High Voltage Power Supply 49
Spherco Rod Ends, TRE – 16 299
Spiricon Laser Matrix Probe #LMP-16X16-81-Z5NF 200
Spiricon model LPC/PULSE Laser Probe Controller TLS 350
Spiricon model LPC/PULSE Laser Probe Controller TLS 350
Spring Hinges Jackie 51017 L135 Golden Green Frames 30
SSEC 97 Master Control Panel 1999
SSEC model 188 Dasp Programmer M188 40
SSEC model 188 Dasp Programmer M188 40
SSEC model 188 Dasp Programmer M188 40
STACO AC Power Supply with Ammeter E1010VA 799
Standard Electric Time S-10 Second Timer Elec., Switch 3999
Standard Electric Time S-10 Second Timer Elec., Switch 275
Standard Power Supplies, Switcher SWS 750-5, 750W 499
Stauff 3015T25 Pipe Clamps Quantity of 8 50
Summagraphics Biasing Device for Digital Tablet 499
Summagraphics Biasing Device for Digital Tablet 499
Summagraphics MM 1812 Summasketch Professional 200
Summagraphics SummaSketch Professional tablet 499
SUN EXP-2 DLT tape backup 999
SUN EXP-2 DLT tape backup 999
Sun microphone 401-1412 99
Sun Microsystems 411 External CD RM Dr. 595-1929-04 325
Sun Microsystems 411 External CD ROM 325
Sun Microsystems 411 External CD ROM Dr 595-1929-04 325
Sun Microsystems 411 External CD ROM Dr. P/N 595-1929-0 325
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Hard Drive 3499
Sun Microsystems 411 External Tape Drive 2999
Sun Microsystems 411 External Tape Drive 2999
Sun Microsystems 411 External Tape Drive 2999
Sun Microsystems 411 External Tape Drive 325
Sun Microsystems 447 SPARCclassic X Computer 350
Sun Microsystems 447 SPARCclassic X Computer 350
Sun Microsystems 447 SPARCStation LX Computer 350
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 3499
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 275
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 275
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 275
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 275
Sun Microsystems 47B Sparc Station IPC 5" Floppy Dr. 275
Sun Microsystems 544 SPARC Station 5 Computer 125
Sun Microsystems 544 SPARCStation 5 Computer 4999
Sun Microsystems 544 SPARCStation 5 Computer 4999
Sun Microsystems 811 Computer Tape drive 975
Sun Microsystems 811 Computer Tape Drive 975
Sun Microsystems 811 Computer Tape Drive 975
Sun Microsystems 811 Computer w/ drive 9999
Sun Microsystems 811 Computer w/ drive 9999
Sun Microsystems 811 Computer w/ drive 9999
Sun Microsystems 911 External SCSI HD P/N 595-3286-01 325
Sun Microsystems 911 External SCSI HD P# 595-3275-01 325
Sun Microsystems 911 External SCSI Interface 3499
Sun Microsystems 911 External SCSI Interface 3499
Sun Microsystems 911 External SCSI Interface 3499
Sun Microsystems 911 External SCSI Interface 325
Sun Microsystems DDS 3 Digital Data Storage 4999
Sun Microsystems DDS 3 Digital Data Tape Drive 775
Sun Microsystems SPARCServer 1000 Sys. Install Man. 499
Sun Microsystems SPARCStorage Array Install Man. 499
Sun Microsystems Type 5 Keyboard 699
Sun Microsystems Type 5c Keyboard 75
Sun Microsystems Type 5c Keyboard 75
Sun Microsystems Type 5c Keyboard 699
Sun Microsystems Type 5c Keyboard 75
Sun Microsystems Type 5c Keyboard 125
Sun Microsystems Type 6 Keyboard 75
Sun Microsystems Type 6 Keyboard 125
SUN model 811 PN 595-2410-01 8mm 5Gb tape drive 499
SUN model 811 PN 595-2410-01 8mm 5Gb tape drive 599
SUN model 811 PN 595-2410-01 8mm 5Gb tape drive 599
Sunrise Electronics Z1000B Universal Programmer 1999
Super DLT Tape 1 160GB/320GB Dell#9w085 35
Super Mite A Power Supply (pwr factor unifier) 699
Super Mite A Power Supply / MAKE OFFER 499
Super Mite A Power Supply / MAKE OFFER 499
Sylvania CEM 120w 120v Projector Lamp 10
Sylvania EPZ 50 W- 18 V Tungsten Halogen proj. lamp 10
Symantec's ACT! 0 299
Symbol 20-04436-05 Junction Box 799
Symbol 4T05 Power Supply 10
Symbol IK-0409 Interface cable 2799
Symbol IK-0409 Interface cable 2799
Symbol Omnilink LL-500-1200 Scanner Link 399
Symbol Omnilink LL-500-1200 Scanner Link 285
Symbol S2403BH Ceiling Mount Antenna 4 GHz 150
Synoptics 5308PS 24-port Ethernet Host 1999
Synoptics 5308PS 24-port Ethernet Host 325
SynOptics LattisHub 2803 16-port Networking Hub 40
SynOptics LattisHub 2803 16-port Networking Hub 499
SynOptics LattisHub 2813 16 Port Ethernet Hub 50
SynOptics LattisHub 2813 16 Port Ethernet Hub T 50
SynOptics LattisHub 2813SA 24-port Hub 70
Syquest Dual Dr. 2S3 MDMMS5 Mass Microsystems SCSI 225
Syquest SyJet 5Gb external drive 499
Syquest SyJet 5Gb external drive 499
Syquest SyJet 5Gb external drive 499
Syquest SyJet 5Gb external drive 499
Systron Donner 6152A 500 Mhz counter / timer 225
Systron Donner 6152A Counter/Timer 99
Systron Donner 6152A Counter/Timer 175
Systron Donner 8150 Time Code Generator – Reader 399
Systron Donner DBF-46 High Power Termination 2499
Systron Donner DBF-46 High Power Termination 249
Systron Donner HR40-5B Power Supply 170
Systron-Donner 6041A Counter 999
T-Bar 5110 Junction Control System 60
T-bar RCU Remote Control Unit 70
Tally/Honeywel 1000 6-pack replacement printer ribbons 20
Tanya 830/C 130 Rose Swirl Glasses frames w/ lens 499
Tanya 830/C 130 Rose Swirl Glasses frames w/ lens 75
Targus Smooth Dual Laptop Case w/ multiple pockets 299
TDI SPS1009 Power Supply +- 24VDC 99
TDI SPS1009 Power Supply +- 24VDC 135
TDI SPS1009 Power Supply +- 24VDC 150
Technical Manual for KB 6200 module 199
Technical Manual for KB 6200 module 199
Technical Manual for KB 6301 module 199
Technical Manual for KB 6301 module 199
Technical Manual for KB 6610 module 199
Technical Manual for KB 6610 module 199
Technical Manual for Krautkramer - Branson 6100 199
Technical Manual for Krautkramer - Branson 6100 199
Tecmar DataVault 2000 Tape Storage System 799
Tecmar DataVault 4000 Tape Drive 999
Tecmar DataVault 4000 Tape Drive 125
Tecmar DataVault LAN Tape Drive 225
Tecmar DataVault LAN Tape Drive 275
Tecmar DataVault Tape Drive 25
Tecmar DataVault Tape Drive-Parts only 199
Tecmar WangDAT 3200 Tape Drive 999
Tecmar WangDAT 3200 Tape Drive 125
Tecmar WangDAT 3400DX Internal Tape Drive 799
Teel Water Filter cartridge, Rust & Dirt, hot or cold 12
Tek 528A Video Waveform Monitor 300
Tek 528A Video Waveform Monitor 99
Tek 564 Storage Oscilloscope w/ plug-ins 999
Tek 564 Storage Oscilloscope w/ plug-ins 999
Tek 575 Transistor Curve Tracer 799
Tek 577 /D2 with 177 tester and test modules 1200
Tek 5A20N Differential Amplifier O-scope Plug-in 499
Tek 606B Monitor for Signal generator 199
Tek A6901 Ground Isolation Monitor w/manual 999
Tek DC503 Universal Counter 899
Tek DC503 Universal Counter 899
Tek FG501 Function Generator 999
Tek FG501 Function Generator 250
Tek K212 Oscilloscope Cart /Work /Test Station 1399
Tek K212 Oscilloscope Cart /Work /Test Station 30
Tek P6101 passive probe 599
Tek P6101A 1X Passive Probe 1999
Tek P6106A 10X Passive Probe 1599
Tek P6131 10X Passive Probe 799
Tekmar AquaTek 50 1299
Tekmar AquaTek 50 9999
Tekmar AquaTek 50 9999
Tekmar AquaTek 50 Autosampler 4000
Tektronix 4 color transfer roll Phaser Iisd printer 150
Tektronix 4 color transfer roll Phaser Iisd printer 150
Tektronix Phaser 540 Yellow toner cartridge 60
Tektronix Phaser 550 Black toner cartridge 016-1417 60
Tektronix 011-0081-00 Input RC Normalizer 100
Tektronix 011-0081-00 Input RC Normalizer 100
Tektronix 016-0269-03 Camera Adapter Frame 199
Tektronix 016-0891-00 Thermal transfer paper 199
Tektronix 119-1592-01 Terminal Keyboard 150
Tektronix 119-1592-01 Terminal Keyboard 275
Tektronix 1230 Logic Analyzer 16-64 Channels 4999
Tektronix 1230 Logic Analyzer 16-64 Channels 125
Tektronix 1240 Logic Analyzer w/ RAM Pack 500
Tektronix 1240 Logic Analyzer w/ RAM Pack 975
Tektronix 1360P Programmable Switch Controller 1799
Tektronix 1360S Switch Matrix 1799
Tektronix 1360S Switch Matrix 1799
Tektronix 1360S Switch Matrix 1799
Tektronix 1360S Switch Matrix 1799
Tektronix 1360S Switch Matrix 1799
Tektronix 1360S Switch Matrix 1799
Tektronix 1360S Switch Matrix 1799
Tektronix 1360S Switch Matrix 475
Tektronix 1360S Switch Matrix 475
Tektronix 1410 Sync Generator w/ modules 14999
Tektronix 1750A Sotware Execution System Manual, Vol. 1 20
Tektronix 1750A Sotware Execution System Manual, Vol. 1 125
Tektronix 2215 Oscilloscope-no power, use for parts 1299
Tektronix 2215 Oscilloscope-no power, use for parts 1299
Tektronix 2235A 100Mhz Oscilloscope 800
Tektronix 2246A Oscilloscope 1500
Tektronix 2445A Oscilloscope 995
Tektronix 2465 300Mhz Oscilloscope w/manual & probe 299
Tektronix 3002 Prism series Logic Analyzer 3999
Tektronix 3002 Prism series Logic Analyzer 299
Tektronix 3002 Prism series Logic Analyzer 299
Tektronix 3002 Prism series Logic Analyzer 3999
Tektronix 3002 Prism series Logic Analyzer 3999
Tektronix 3s2 Sampling Unit W Extras 495
Tektronix 4612 Video Hard Copy Unit Owner's Manual 10
Tektronix 465B Oscilloscope 900
Tektronix 468 Digital Storage Oscilloscope 15
Tektronix 475 Oscilloscope Check this out 550
天络纬 Ennail:tonyhan55(at)163.conn, Q*-Q:654648180
Tektronix 475 Oscilloscope w Manuals 350
Tektronix 5110 Oscilloscope, plug-ins required 275
Tektronix 5A20N Differential Amplifier 299
Tektronix 5A20N Differential Amplifier 299
Tektronix 5A20N Differential Amplifier 125
Tektronix 5B10N Time base / Amplifier 95
Tektronix 7603 Oscilloscope 400
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 2299
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 2299
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 2299
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 2299
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 2299
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 2299
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 2299
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 2299
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 2299
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 525
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 525
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 525
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 525
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 525
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 525
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 525
Tektronix 7A18 Dual Trace Amplifier 525
Tektronix 7A18N Dual trace amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A24 Dual Trace Amplifier 2499
Tektronix 7A24 Dual Trace Amplifier 2499
Tektronix 7A24 Dual Trace Amplifier 2499
Tektronix 7A24 Dual Trace Amplifier 2499
Tektronix 7A24 Dual Trace Amplifier 2499
Tektronix 7A24 Dual Trace Amplifier 65
Tektronix 7A24 Dual Trace Amplifier 65
Tektronix 7A24 Dual Trace Amplifier 65
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 350
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 3499
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 99
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 275
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier 85
Tektronix 7B10 Time Base Plug-in 2999
Tektronix 7B10 Time Base Plug-in 2999
Tektronix 7B10 Time Base Plug-in 2999
Tektronix 7B10 Time Base Plug-In 200
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base 125
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base 99
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 1499
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 1499
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 1499
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 1499
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 1499
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 1499
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 1499
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 1499
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 275
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 35
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 35
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 35
Tektronix 7B53A Dual Time Base Plug-in 35
Tektronix 7B53A Main Triggering Amp 45
Tektronix 7B80 Time Base Plug-in 1999
Tektronix 7B80 Time Base Plug-in 1999
Tektronix 7B80 Time Base Plug-in 1999
Tektronix 7B80 Time Base Plug-in 475
Tektronix 7B80 Time Base Plug-in 475
Tektronix 7B85 Delaying Time Base 999
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 2799
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 2799
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 2799
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 2799
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 2799
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 2799
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 2799
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 2799
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 675
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 675
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 675
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 675
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 675
Tektronix 7B92A Dual Time Base Oscilloscope Plug-in 675
Tektronix 7D12 A/D Converter 350
Tektronix 834 Programmable Data Communications Tester 99
Tektronix A6901 Ground Isolation Monitor 199
Tektronix C-30 Camera Pack Assy. 45
Tektronix C30 Oscilloscope Camera 1999
Tektronix DC501 110-MHz Counter 45
Tektronix DD501 Digital Delay 275
Tektronix Dual Trace Amplifier 7A26 3499
Tektronix Dual Trace Amplifier 7A26 85
Tektronix P6013 Probe W Manual 45
Tektronix P6101A 1X Passive Probe Sealed Bag 299
Tektronix P6201 FET Probe in case 14999
Tektronix P6201 FET Probe in case 2475
Tektronix P6430 Probe Instruction Manual 20
Tektronix Phaser 560 Cyan Laser Toner Cartridge 80
Tektronix Phaser 560 Magenta Laser Toner Cartridge 80
Tektronix Phaser 560 Yellow Laser Toner Cartridge 25
Tektronix PM-1038-HII 299
Tektronix PM-1038-VII LOG/AMP Memory 299
Tektronix Type 284 Pulse Generator 34999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 100
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 100
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 100
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 100
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 100
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 100
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 999
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 25
Telco Systems 2443-20 D4 Channel Bank Card 125
Telco Systems Codex 1133 Plug-in for Codex 2200 Case 400
Telco Systems Codex 1133 Plug-in for Codex 2200 Case 275
Teledyne Geotech Portacorder battery charger MN BC-1 199
Teledyne Geotech Portacorder battery charger MN BC-1 199
Teledyne Geotech Portacorder RV-320 Seismograph 230
Teledyne Geotech Portacorder RV-320 Seismograph 180
Teledyne Geotech Portacorder RV-320 Seismograph 180
Telegenix , GRIM IF Module Plug-In OS 140
Telegenix ,GRIM Cable Drive Amp 2000156-1 160
Telegenix Grim Audio Module pn#2000340 Rev.E 155
Telegenix Grim IVDM-4W/C Comm Modem (local) 150
Telegenix GRIM MMS-102 Modem Mounting Shelf OS 249
Telegenix/Grim 2000110-1 Modulator 40
Telegenix/Grim 2000684-1 Antenna Processor Board 24
Telegenix/GRIM Antenna Processor Module 2000150-1 180
Telegenix/Grim Bearing Measurement Module 2000390-1 200
Telegenix/GRIM Power Plug-In Module 100
Telegenix/Grim Test Xmitter 2000160-1G 250
Teleglobe SP8316 Asynchronous Repeater 375
Teleprocessing Products 501 RMC P/S Power Supply 999
Teleprocessing Products 501 RMC P/S Power Supply 125
Telex HGY-15 4 GHz Wlan Antenna Complete 30
Telex HGY-15 4 GHz Wlan Antenna Complete 30
Telex HGY-15 4 GHz Wlan Antenna Complete 30
Tellabs Cablespan 2300 RiSU 199
Temptronic TP41A -1 thermal inducing system 100
Termiflex HT/4 handheld terminal, 299
Test Generator, Aviation Test, TF-150 40
TEST POINT - CEC Test, measurement, analysis software 600
Texas Instruments 6613R Pulse Generator 325
Texas Instruments 6613R Pulse Generator 2999
Texas Instruments Vintage Computer 150
TF-150 Test Generator Aviation 40
TH6AE-HK DLT 7000 35 / 70 GB tape drive, Compaq 1799
TH6AE-HK DLT 7000 35 / 70 GB tape drive, Compaq 1799
Thermo-Strip thermal wire stripper 399
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 25
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 60
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 60
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 60
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 60
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 60
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 60
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 60
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 60
Thomas & Betts 15620 TBM15 for 9800 p.s.i. Pump 15
Thomas & Betts 63170 Pressure Cable Connector 199
Thomas & Betts 63170 Pressure Cable Connector 199
Thomas & Betts Compression H - tap connector 5
Thomas & Betts Compression H - tap connector 5
Thomas & Betts Compression H - tap connector 5
Thomas and Betts Pressure Cable Connector 63170 20
Thorn EMI A1/261 12v 100w Halogen Lamp 10
Thorn EMI ELD EPZ 18v 50w Halogen Lamp 10
Titan Electo-Sealer Packaging Machine 330T 1999
Titan Electo-Sealer Packaging Machine 330T 1999
Titmus USA 5/14 CS79 Eyeglass frames 39
Titmus USA 5/34 CS79 Z87 Eyeglass Frames 399
Titmus USA 5/34 CS79 Z87 Eyeglass Frames 125
Titmus USA TP201 Pewter 140CS82 Z87 Eyeglass frames 30
Titmus USA TP201 Pewter 140CS82 Z87 Eyeglass frames 125
Titmus USA TP202 Gold 140CS82 Z87 Eyeglass frames 40
Todd Enterprises Dual CD drive Tcdr 3000 45
Toner Cartridge for Canon Copiers Printers 75
Toner Cartridge for Canon Copiers/Printers 299
Toshiba PORTEGE 49
Toshiba Satellite T2130CT 40
Toshiba Digital Business Telephone DKT2010SD 1299
Toshiba Digital Business Telephone DKT2010SD 1299
Toshiba Digital Business Telephone DKT2020SD 1399
Toshiba Digital Business Telephone DKT2020SD 125
Toshiba digital business telephone, DKT 2010 – SD 55
Toshiba laptop battery 2439U R 1399
Toshiba laptop battery PA2483U 1399
Toshiba laptop battery PA2483U 699
Toshiba Nu-kote BM173 Replacement Printer Ribbon 10
Toshiba PA2430U Laptop Power Supply AC Adapter 499
Toshiba PA2703U Port Replicator 25
Toshiba PA2703U Port Replicator-, Open Box 399
Toshiba PA2703U Port Replicator-, Open Box 399
Toshiba PA2703U Port Replicator-, Open Box 25
Toshiba PA2703U Port Replicator, , Open Box 599
Toshiba PA2703U Port Replicator, , Open Box 15
Toshiba PA2703U Port Replicator, Original Box 599
Toshiba PA3082U-1PRP Advanced Port Replicator 100
Toshiba Port Replicator T3400 series 5
Toshiba Port Replicator-T3400/3400CT 9A27O3U 24
Toshiba T4550 Toner Cartridge 299
Toshiba T4550 Toner Cartridge 299
Toshiba Tecra 500 32 Mb EDO NW2040U 999
Toshiba TXM3401 CD-ROM Drive 999
Toshiba TXM3401 CD-ROM Drive 75
Toshiba TXM5701F1 CD-ROM Drive 27
Trans-Sonics Temperature Transducer 499
Trans-Sonics Temperature Transducer 499
Trans-Tek 844-00 Transducer Assy 45
Transducer, Pressure, Type CEC 1000 22
Transistor Devices 8913-7 Power Supply 49
Transistor Devices Dynaload DLVP 50-300-3000A,DC pwr 1500
Transistor Devices Inc. power supply 25-25 2 49
Transistor Devices power supply 5-5 8 9042-82 50
Trek 344 Electrostatic Voltmeter 7999
Trek 344 Electrostatic Voltmeter 7999
Trek 344-3 Electrostatic Voltmeter 1475
Trek 609C D.C. Amplifier 8799
Trek 609C D.C. Amplifier 8799
Trek 609C D.C. Amplifier 8799
Trek 610C Cor-a-trol D.C. Amplifier 39999
Trek 610C Cor-a-trol D.C. Amplifier 500
Triad Corp. 16mm-1B Camera Input Converter 110 Volts 1000
Triad Corp. 16mm-1B Camera Input Converter 110 Volts 1775
Triad Military Spec F-92A Power Supply Transformer 70
Trig Tek 4114 5 Channel Charge Amplifier S/N 281 14999
Trinity Data Systems Data Storage, rack mount drive 1999
Trinity Data Systems Data Storage, rack mount drive 1999
Trygon HR40-5B 0-40V 5A Power Supply good 4 SIM Project 95
Trygon HR40-5B 0-40V 5A Power Supply good 4 SIM Project 95
Trygon HR40-5B 0-40V 5A Power Supply good 4 SIM Project 75
Ty Collectibles: "Twin" bears Ivan & Dickens 99
Ty Collectibles: Scruffy dog & Ramsey ram 99
U. S. Robotics 56K External modem 50
U. S. Robotics 56K External modem 50
UDS 212A/D MB External Modem 999
UDS D12 RM16 SA Limited Distance Modem 55
UDS D12 RM16 SA Limited Distance Modem 55
UNICOM Fast Ethernet XTend-100 TX / FX 399
UPA Dermitron Thickness Tester, D8 – B 35
US Robotics Sportster 0459 36K Faxmodem 999
US Robotics Sportster 0459 36K Faxmodem 999
US Robotics Sportster 0459 36K Faxmodem 75
US Robotics Sportster 0459 36K Faxmodem 75
US Robotics Sportster 0459 56K Faxmodem 999
US Robotics Sportster 0459 56K Faxmodem 75
UTHE Technology Power Logicon 10G 50
V.I.P. VIP Hybrid-8 S.E.G. Video Duplicator 60
V.I.P. VIP Hybrid-8 S.E.G. Video Duplicator 60
V.I.P. VIP Hybrid-8 S.E.G. Video Duplicator 60
Valve Regulator With Gages (inert gas) type R-89 75
Valve Regulator With Gages (inert gas) type R-89 75
Variable Transformer for SIM Cockpit Lighting all AC 55
Varian PanelVac ConvecTorr model EYESYS conv meter 299
Varian pump 911 - 5030 / 20 L/sec 600
Velonex model 360 High Power Pulse Generator 600
Verilink 4016-R ESF CSU w REV AC 75
Verilink 4016-R, ESF CSU w REV AC 149
Verilink 4016-R, ESF CSU w REV AC 60
Verilink 4019 CSU card 149
Verilink 4019 CSU card 60
Verilink 4019 CSU card 75
Verilink, 4019-1 CSU 149
Verilink, 4019-1 CSU 144
Verimet M4900A Conductivity tester 5
Verimet M4900A Conductivity tester 5
Verizon Audiovox 9155 - GPX cellular phone 199
Vickers Directional Valve Pilot Valve Model DG454WO12A 200
Vicor Corp. MegaPac Power Supply 9999
Vicor Corp. MegaPac Power Supply 250
Video & Pulse Delay Cage Prime,SIM Brand os 74
Video & Pulse Delay Cage Prime,SIM Brand os 74
Video Conferencing Interface V.S.I. 101766-001 29
Vidtech VSL-1 S-Scanlock 40
Vidtech VSL-1 S-Scanlock 40
Vidtech VSL-1 S-Scanlock 60
Vishay Instruments V/E-24L Digital Strain Indicator 800
Vishay Instruments V/E-24L Digital Strain Indicator 360
Vishay Instruments V/E-24L Digital Strain Indicator 360
Vishay Instruments V/E-24L Digital Strain Indicator 360
Visioneer PaperPort scanner model Vx 5
Visual Informat Video Pattern Generator 19999
VMIC 05550 210N VME Bus Board 375
VMIC 05550 210N VME Bus Board 325
VMIC 05550-210N VME Bus Board 14999
VMIC 05550-210N VME Bus Board 14999
VMIC VMIVME 5550 VME Board 1400
VMIC VMIVME 5550 VME Bus Board 900
VMIC VMIVME 5550 VME Bus Board 14999
VMIC VMIVME 5550 VME Bus Board 999
VMIC VMIVME-5550 Mainframe Board 8499
VSI videoconferencing switcher unit,8 port 199
Wabco C-MX3-HH-C ,Cylinder Assy 200
Wabco C-MX3-HH-C ,Cylinder Assy 200
Wallace FUJ 200 8 Black Printer Ribbons 14
Wallace Imaging Supplies PTX 300-4 6 Printer Ribbons 299
Wallace Imaging Supplies PTX 300-4 Box 6 Printer Ribbon 45
Wallace Imaging Supplies PTX 300-4 Box 6 Printer Ribbon 45
Wallace Imaging Supplies PTX 300-4 Box 6 Printer Ribbon 45
Wallace Imaging Supplies PTX 300-4 Box 6 Printer Ribbon 45
Wallace Imaging Supplies PTX 300-4 Box 6 Printer Ribbon 45
Wallace Imaging Supplies PTX 300-4 Box 6 Printer Ribbon 45
Wallace Imaging Supplies PTX 300-4 Box 6 Printer Ribbon 45
Wallace Imaging Supplies PTX 300-4 Box 6 Printer Ribbon 45
Wallace PTX 300-4 Printer Ribbon Case of 6-NIB! 30
Wattmeter, Assy. OS 50
Wavetek 130 Function Generator 3999
Wavetek 16976 Prom Programmer for Power Sensors 6299
Wavetek 16976 Prom Programmer for Power Sensors 6299
Wavetek 16976 Prom Programmer for Power Sensors 475
Wavetek 16976 Prom Programmer for Power Sensors 975
Wavetek 182 , 0 to 0 MHz, Function Generator TLS 100
Wavetek 2 Mhz Function Generator, model 20 399
Wavetek 295 Function Generator 2000
Wavetek Function Generator SG 1146 / U 200
Wavetek Multichannel filter 5 inop. switches system 816 89
Wavetek SG-1146/U Function Generator 124
Wavetek SG-1146/U Function Generator 150
Weather Station, Texas Electronics 6000
Welch Allyn 8300 MICR Check Reader 899
Welch Allyn 8300 MICR Check Reader 899
Weston Instruments Ammeter model 931 99
Widescreen Laptop / Notebook carry bag 15
Widescreen Laptop / Notebook carry bag 15
Winegard Co. Ultraplex VHF line amplifier 95
Winegard Ultraplex VHF line amplifier 95
Winegard Ultraplex VHF line amplifier 95
WinFax Pro 0 /UNOPENED 20
Wire Wrap Tool, Gardner Denver 14B1A Nice 140
Wire Wrap Tool, Gardner Denver 14B1A Nice 140
WKO Projector Lamp 10
WM200 Gen-1 Ev Charger w large paddle Electric Vehicle 350
WM200 Gen-1 Ev Charger w large paddle Electric Vehicle 250
WM200 Gen-1 Ev Charger w large paddle Electric Vehicle 250
Xerox 4030 Laser Printer Cartridge 55
Xerox 4030 Laser Printer Cartridge 499
Xerox 4030 Laser Printer Cartridge 499
Xerox 4030 Laser Printer Cartridge 499
Xerox 4030 Printer Toner Developer Kit (Reorder 6R281) 50
Xerox 4030 Printer Toner Developer Kit (Reorder 6R281) 50
Xerox 4030 Printer Toner Developer Kit (Reorder 6R281) 499
Xerox 4030 Printer Toner Developer Kit (Reorder 6R281) 499
Xerox 4213 Dry ink B, Developer c 70
Xerox 4213 Dry ink B, Developer c 595
Xerox 600 Series MemoryWriter typewriter ribbon 99
Xerox 8R2345 Box 6 Memorywriter 60 Lift-off Tapes 25
Xerox 8R2345 Box 6 Memorywriter 60 Lift-off Tapes 25
XEROX 9R81003 Print wheel Boldface Italics 99
XEROX 9R81003 Print wheel Boldface Italics 99
XEROX 9R81037 Print wheel Square3 15 99
Xerox Docuprint N17/4517 Fuser bias transfer cartridge 275
XEROX Laser transparencies 8 1/2" x 11" , 100 sheets 299
Xerox Omnifax WTL52 Fax Toner Cartridge L-520-Sealed! 14
Xerox Omnifax WTL52 Fax Toner Cartridge L-520-Sealed! 25
Xircom APA-1460A SlimSCSI Card 99
Xircom PS-CEM-28 Ethernet+Modem 28 99
Xircom PSCT2-16 Credit Card Token Ring Adapter 99
Xircom TS-CT2-16 Lot of 5 Token Ring Adapter II 45
Xycom Proto XVME-085 VME Bus Board 4999
Xyplex MAXserver 3210 local bridge / router 60
Y.C. Cable CN48259 38/02 Modem Cable Unopened 30
Y.C. Cable CN48259 38/02 Modem Cable Unopened 75
Z1000B Universal (prom) programmer 499
天络纬 Ennail:tonyhan55(at)163.conn, Q*-Q:654648180
Zenith VM7500 video camera 1499
Zenith VM7500 video camera 1499
Zimco 49016 140 Gold S.S #49 Eyeglass frame w/ lens 499
Zoom 2931A Network Modem 699
Zoom 2931A Network Modem 25