跨界集团Solo 823-001
Solo 101-001Solo 200-001Solo 330-001烟感探测工具Solo C3-001Solo A7-001Solo 461-001温感探测工具Solo 460-001Solo
760-001Solo 725-001Solo 423-001Solo
Universal detector removal tool
品牌No Climb
SmokeSabre Smoke Detector Tester
品牌No Climb
SOLO smoke aerosol
SOLO 424-001 英国SOLO成立于1965年,是专业消防仪器的供应商,主要应用在消防领域等A3-001烟感测试气体
solo100.英国原装进口。价廉质优,品质保证 不断刷新业绩的过程中,同时也得到了国外厂家的的青睐和鼎力支持
SOLO100 461 套装购买 原装进口 烟感温感探头测试工具
Selectable Continious for UV and Pulsing for IR and UV/IR
UV detector check up to 26 feet (8 m )
IR and UV/IR flame detector check up to 13 feet (4 m)
Rechargeable with standard 230 Vac 2 EU pin charger (120 Vac US pin charger available)
Universal charger 100-240 Vac with pins for US, EU, GB en AU
Optional: Carrying Case
The T-229/4P Flame detector Tester activates UV, IR en UV/IR Flame detectors that work at 185-235 nm UV and
4,4 micron IR radiation. For UV detectors the maximum distance is 26 feet (8 m). The typical test distance IR
en UV/IR detectors is up to13 feet (4 m). For use in safe areas (non-Ex) only.
Ask Sense-WARE if your flame detector can be tested with the T-229/4P. Virtually all UV, IR and UV/IR flame
detectors can be tested with the T-229/4P with the exception of most dual IR (IR/IR) or triple IR (IR/IR/IR -
IR3) flame detectors.
Optional: Sense-WARE C-430/1 Carrying Case for the T-229/4P Test Lamp:
History: In 2002 Sense-WARE introduced the T-229/1. In 2004 it was replaced by the T-229/2 and in 2007 the T-
229/3 was launched. The T-229/4(P) is the most modern version.