联系人:姚小姐:电话13510169620 QQ:1946418560 廖先生13590256385 QQ:785298834
Agilent N5183A MXG 微波模拟信号发生器
Agilent N5183A MXG 微波模拟信号发生器针对制造进行了优化,具备快速频率转换速度并能进行自我维护。
Agilent N5183A主要特性与技术指标
Agilent N5183A Signal 特征
Agilent N5183A ·100 kHz 至 20、31.8 或 40 GHz
Agilent N5183A ·20 GHz 输出功率时为 +19 dBm
Agilent N5183A ·频率切换速率:≤ 600 μs
Agilent N5183A ·在 20 kHz 偏置时,相位噪声 ≤ -116 dBc/Hz(典型值)
Agilent N5183A 调制和扫描
Agilent N5183A ·AM、FM、ΦM 和脉冲调制
Agilent N5183A ·脉冲上升/下降时间 < 10 ns,脉冲宽度 20 ns
Agilent N5183A ·数字和步进扫描
Agilent N5183A描述
Agilent N5183A 微波信号发生器针对制造业进行优化
Agilent N5183A MXG 微波模拟发生器具备宽带器件制造(高达 40 GHz)所需的性能。Agilent N5183A该仪器提供 ≤ 900 μs 的频率切换(≤600 μs 典型值)以缩短天线测试和制造等应用的测试时间,其小巧的外形(2RU)可以更好地利用机架空间。MXG 微波模拟信号发生器凭借出色的功率和电平精度,Agilent N5183A可为驱动大功率设备提供可靠的激励。Agilent N5183A您可以配置 MXG 以满足当前的测试需求,例如本振替代、连续波干扰、用于设备表征的模拟调制,Agilent N5183A同时还能轻松升级以满足今后的测试需求。
Agilent N5183A
Agilent/HP N5183A Microwave Signal Generation
N5183A MXG microwave analog signal generators deliver the performance needed for broadband component manufacturing up to 40 GHz. This instrument provides ≤ 900 s frequency switching (≤600 s typically) to improve test times for applications like antenna test and manufacturing, with a small size (2RU) to better utilize rack space. Excellent power and level accuracy make the MXG microwave a reliable stimulus for driving high power devices. The MXG microwave can be configured to meet your test needs today, from LO substitution and CW interferer to analog modulation for device characterization, and is easily upgraded to meet your needs in the future.
Simplified self-maintenance maximizes uptime
Every element of the MXG microwave is designed to reduce cost of ownership, from field replaceable assemblies to tools for on-site performance verification, instrument uptime is maximized with simplified self-maintenance and repair.
006 - Instrument security
1A7 - MXG Series ISO 17025 compliant calibration with test data
1CM - Rackmount kit
1CN - Front handle kit
1CP - Rackmount with front handle kit
1CR - Rack slide kit
1E1 - Step attenuator
1EA - High output power
1ED - Type-N (f) RF output connector
1EM - Move RF output to rear panel
1ER - Flexible reference input (1-50MHz)
320 - Pulse train generator
520 - 100kHz to 20GHz
532 - 100kHz to 31.8GHz
540 - 100kHz to 40GHz
802 - Customer Service Kit N5183A-520 Front Panel 3.5mm and Type-N RF connector
803 - Customer Service Kit N5183A-520 Rear Panel 3.5 mm RF connector
804 - Customer Service Kit N5183A-520 Rear Panel Type-N RF connector
805 - Customer Service Kit N5183A-532/540 Front Panel RF connector
806 - Customer Service Kit N5183A-532/540 Rear Panel RF connector
A6J - MXG Series ANSI Z540 compliant calibration with test data
AKT - Russia - russian localization
AXT - Hard transit case
UK6 - Commercial calibration certificate with test data
UNT - AM, FM, phase modulation
UNU - Pulse modulation
UNW - Narrow pulse modulation
UNZ - Fast frequency switching speed