咨询热线:谭小姐15302628860/18025362361 QQ:2880332228
包括:DIY个性时尚图案 ,数码人物照片,中国风山水画,商标LOGO文字等。
深圳越达彩印科技有限公司直销万能打印机, 8色喷墨数码彩印。可在0-20CM范围内任意调节高度对各种竹工艺品表面进行彩色照片级喷印。不论是简单的快色图案,全彩色图案。都能一次印刷完成,无需出菲林制版,晒版和重复套色,色彩亮丽丰富,层次分明。效果逼真,图像防水,防晒,耐磨损,抗酸碱,不退色,操作简单方便,印刷图像速度快,废品率为零,免中间耗材。替代传统特印(丝印、热转印、水转印),综合成本节约80%以上。设备稳定性强,售后服务保证系数大:采用的是模块化产品配件。型号齐全,11项国家专利,质量有保障。特别适合用于各类竹木工艺品加工厂用于样品打样和小批量产品的彩印加工。工人操作无需经验基础,我们可协助用户拓展新的业务,大幅度提升工作效益,成倍降低生产成本。
The advantage of Iphone case UV printer
The biggest advantage that you can get from Iphone case UV printer is the versatility that they offer. No matter what material, what shape, and what size of the material you want to print on, as long as it has a flat surface and does not exceed the maximum size of printable area of the flatbed, you can print on it. The resolution of prints produced by these devices is also very high and they can print in quick speed. The ink consumption of the device is also very efficient and you are able to use the ink as optimally as possible
Good news!!! because of December is our last month in 2012 , in order to feedback our customers All products have favourable activity, please seize the opportunity! If you want to know more about the specific content, you can contact me anytime in any time, we believe that the efforts will bring you the biggest harvest!
If you have any questions may at any time can contact me
深圳越达 谭小姐 :15302628860/18025362361 商务QQ:2880332228
工厂地址: 深圳市龙岗区爱联龙腾工业区彩云一路2号
开车:导航(我司地址或友和雅商大酒店)公交车:岗贝社区站 地铁:龙岗3号线(吉祥地铁站A出口)