The future, we will unremittingly to maintain the brand reputation, based on the quality of excellence, service perfect the advantage, and constantly consolidate and strengthen the status of the domestic market, and strive to integrate into the international market, and gradually build a strong international competition ability, and strive to become manufacturers preferred before the original material supplier.
日本富士钨钢自己冶炼矿石,研磨原料,并进行配粉,压制,烧结,研磨/抛光,这样可使富士有灵活的能力生产各种牌号材料及成品以更好地满足客户特定的要求。KezizTM 烧结工艺是富士钨钢的专利之一,使用这种独创工艺,成为世界上第一个规模化生产表面和内部几乎无缺陷的碳化钨/硬质合金材料的制造商。
日本富士钨钢 日本富士钨钢长条 日本富士钨钢圆棒 日本富士钨钢价格 日本富士钨钢硬质合金