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凌亮光电CCS Telecentric Lenses放大图片

产品价格:1218   元(人民币)
发货地:上海  (发货期:当天内发货)



简要说明:凌亮光电CCS牌的凌亮光电CCS Telecentric Lenses产品:估价:1218,规格:完善,产品系列编号:齐全



Telecentric Lenses

These Telecentric Lenses provide magnifications of 0.8x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, and 4x. The product lineup includes straight and coaxial lenses.

SE-65 Series

These Telecentric Lenses achieve both "high performance" and "low cost." The product lineup provides magnifications of 0.8x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, and 4x. Both straight and coaxial lenses are available with a working distance of 65 mm.

SE-65 Series

SE-110 Series

These Telecentric Lenses achieve both "high performance" and "low cost." The product lineup provides magnifications of 0.8x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, and 4x. Both straight and coaxial lenses are available with a working distance of 110 mm.

SE-110 Series

Telecentric Lenses

These Telecentric Lenses provide magnifications of 0.8x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, and 4x. The product lineup includes straight and coaxial lenses.

SE-65 Series

These Telecentric Lenses achieve both "high performance" and "low cost." The product lineup provides magnifications of 0.8x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, and 4x. Both straight and coaxial lenses are available with a working distance of 65 mm.

SE-65 Series
Model Number Optical magnification WD Summary
SE-65ST08 x0.8 67.7±2 mm Straight type
SE-65ST10 x1.0 65.2±2 mm Straight type
SE-65ST15 x1.5 65.0±2 mm Straight type
SE-65ST20 x2.0 65.1±2 mm Straight type
SE-65ST40 x4.0 65.1±2 mm Straight type
SE-65VT08 x0.8 67.7±2 mm Coaxial type
SE-65VT10 x1.0 65.2±2 mm Coaxial type
SE-65VT15 x1.5 65.0±2 mm Coaxial type
SE-65VT20 x2.0 65.1±2 mm Coaxial type
SE-65VT40 x4.0 65.1±2 mm Coaxial type

SE-110 Series

These Telecentric Lenses achieve both "high performance" and "low cost." The product lineup provides magnifications of 0.8x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, and 4x. Both straight and coaxial lenses are available with a working distance of 110 mm.

SE-110 Series
Model Number Optical magnification WD Summary
SE-110ST08 x0.8 110.4±2 mm Straight type
SE-110ST10 x1.0 110.0±2 mm Straight type
SE-110ST15 x1.5 114.1±2 mm Straight type
SE-110ST20 x2.0 110.0±2 mm Straight type
SE-110ST40 x4.0 110.0±2 mm Straight type
SE-110VT08 x0.8 110.4±2 mm Coaxial type
SE-110VT10 x1.0 110.0±2 mm Coaxial type
SE-110VT15 x1.5 114.1±2 mm Coaxial type
SE-110VT20 x2.0 110.0±2 mm Coaxial type
SE-110VT40 x4.0 110.0±2 mm Coaxial type

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