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凌亮光电相机BM-141GE CM-141PMCL放大图片

产品价格:1385   元(人民币)
发货地:上海  (发货期:当天内发货)



简要说明:凌亮光电JAI牌的凌亮光电相机BM-141GE CM-141PMCL产品:估价:1385,规格:完善,产品系列编号:齐全




  • C3基本型系列
  • 2/3英寸逐行CCD
  • 有效像素为1392 (h) x 1040 (v)
  • 像元尺寸为6.456.45μ
  • 帧率为30fps
  • 8/10/12-bit GigE Vision输出
  • 信噪比为58dB以上  
  • 预处理功能
  • 直流驱动
  • 采用后焦可调构造的C-接口
  • CAT 5ECAT 6标准电缆
  • RJ45接口
  • 外形尺寸为555555mm
  • 提供JAI SDK
  • 彩色型号BB-141GE

BM-141GE CCD Camera with GigE Vision interface





  • C3 Compact Series
  • High sensitivity 2/3” monochrome progressive scan CCD with NIR capabilities
  • 1392 (h) x 1040 (v) resolution. Cell size 6.45 x 6.45 μm
  • Signal/noise ratio > 58 dB
  • Manual gain control (-3dB to +24 dB)
  • Fixed/variable partial scanning
  • 30 frames/second in triggered mode
  • Continuous operation with full resolution
  • Up to 141 frames/second with variable partial scan
  • Preset shutter speeds from OFF 1/30 to 1/10,000
  • 8-bit, 10-bit or 12-bit output (monochrome and Bayer mosaic color)
  • Compact size & very long product life
  • Power over Camera Link interface

JAI CCD camera for machine vision


The CM-141PMCL is a 1.4 megapixel monochrome CCD camera with Power over Camera Link interface. The camera features a high sensitivity CCD chip, high signal to noise ratio (> 58 dB), 30 fps in triggered mode and a compact house, making them particularly suitable for imaging applications in machine vision, medical imaging, food sorting, traffic and surveillance applications.

Excellent sensitivity and spectral response
The CM-141PMCL is designed around Sony’s popular ICX-285AL 2/3” progressive scan CCD (1392 x 1040 pixels). This sensor uses its 6.45 μm pixel size and improved microlens technology to provide higher overall sensitivity (as low as 0.03 lux) with low smear characteristics. It also features extended spectral response in the near-IR region offering roughly 4X the sensitivity of conventional sensors at a 945 nm wavelength.

30 frames/second in triggered mode
The camera run with 30 frames per second in triggered mode and continuous operation with full resolution. A variety of trigger modes are provided including reset continuous triggering (RCT) which enables the camera to operate in continuous mode while awaiting a trigger signal.

Low noise operation
Through JAI’s sophisticated circuit design the CM-141PMCL deliver a signal-to-noise ratio of greater than 58 dB, producing images with outstanding image quality.

Small size
CM-141PMCL is designed in JAI’s small size C3 compact housing. This makes them one of the smallest cameras on the market with this sensor. Size: 29 (H) x 44 (W) x 75 (L) mm

Very long product life
The new camera has been crafted to JAI’s usual high quality level, giving it high reliability and robustness with very long product life circles.

Typical applications
A combination of high sensitivity CCD chip, high signal/noise ratio (S/N > 58 dB), small size and attractive price levels makes this camera the perfect choice in a range of imaging applications:

- Machine vision applications

- Medical applications (Life science applications and spectroscopy identifying or investigating sample composition of human tissue). 
- Food sorting looking for internal decay or damage of the fruit (NIR-capabilities of the CM-141PMCL camera. 
- High resolution surveillance/security applications including biometrics applications like facial and iris recognition.
- Traffic enforcement and traffic management of fast moving vehicles in daytime or using invisible (NIR) nighttime illumination.

Power over Camera Link interface
The camera features PoCL interface (Power over Mini Camera Link). With the PoCL standard there is no need for a separate power supply providing a clean one-connector solution. The PoCL variants are a JAI factory option and must be specified when ordering. There is no additional charge when ordering PoCL. The camera is also available with a standard Mini Camera Link interface. Click here for more information.

Right Angle adapter
The CM-141PMCL is available with a factory-installed Right Angle Adapter. The adapter enables the camera to “look” at a 90o angle and is designed for a range of inspection tasks where physical access on production lines is limited.
CM-141PMCL with Right Angle adapter 

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