品牌:福斯齿轮油 | 产地:德国 上海 | 价格:528人民币/桶 | 规格:18L 170L | 简要说明: 福斯齿轮油牌的福斯RENOLIN PG 68齿轮油产品:估价:528,规格:18L 170L,产品系列编号:齐全 | |  | | 详细介绍:
福斯RENOLIN PG 68齿轮油,深圳蓝淅贸易销售,详情请浏览:www.LX2387.com..
1) Chemical stability. Resistant to influence and erosion of chemicals like sulphuric acid, nitrosonitric acid / hydrochloric acid, strong oxidizers, water / water vapour etc.
2) No burning. No flash point, no self-ignition point, no reaction with oxygen.
3) Solubility. No dissolving in materials like hydrocarbon, water, vapour, chemical solvent, acid, or alkali.
4) Thermal stability. No chemical dissolving, breakage, being volatile, no depositions of carbon or other materials.
5) Good compatibility with metal, plastics, rubber, and nylon etc.
6) Good temperature dependency, viscosity index over 200.
7) Excellent corrosion resistance, anti-corrosion additive of fluorocarbon oil.
8) Great corrosion resistance under vibration.
9) Excellent resistance against low temperature, extremely
以上是福斯RENOLIN PG 68齿轮油的详细信息,由深圳市蓝淅贸易有限公司销售部自行提供,如果您对福斯RENOLIN PG 68齿轮油的信息有什么疑问,请与该公司进行进一步联系,获取福斯RENOLIN PG 68齿轮油的更多信息。