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LVC-N1-SS电导率液位开关 美国omega放大图片

产品价格:1   元(人民币)
发货地:深圳  (发货期:当天内发货)


价格:1人民币/件规格:LVC-N1-SS电导率液位开关 美国omega

简要说明:美国omega牌的LVC-N1-SS电导率液位开关 美国omega产品:估价:1,规格:LVC-N1-SS电导率液位开关 美国omega,产品系列编号:LVC-N1-SS电导率液位开关 美国omega



LVC-N1-SS电导率液位开关 美国omega

LVC Series, LVC500 Series

Series LVC500 electronic level controls should be used whenever a liquid level needs to be maintained, such as pumping down an industrial sump, or indicated, such as a holding tank high level alarm. A system consists of three components; 1) Cut-to-length threaded electrode rods. 2) Single or multi-electrode holder. 3) Remote electronic module(s).
The LVC500 Series operates on a simple conductance principle whereby a small electrical current is passed through the conductive liquid between two electrodes or an electrode and metallic tank wall. For those applications requiring a separate start and stop point, a single control module, plus two electrodes and tank reference are required. When several applications or levels are necessary within a single tank, an electrode is needed for each level (plus tank reference), plus a multi-electrode holder and a control module for each differential or single level application.
Always treat hazardous areas with respect! If the electrodes or float switch is located in a hazardous area an intrinsically safe control module must be used. Intrinsically safe controls must be installed by experienced personnel familiar with intrinsic safety wiring, and installation must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). The control must be mounted in a non-hazardous location with the wiring to the level probes or float switch going into the hazardous atmosphere. Intrinsically safe wiring must be separated from non-intrinsically safe wiring, and the length of your 14 or 16 gage copper wire must not exceed the specifications listed in the current installation manual. Consult your local electrical code inspector for further details.

LVC-E11 303SS, 12 "
LVC-E12 303SS, 24"
LVC-E13 303SS, 36"
LVC-E14 303SS, 48"
LVC-E15 303SS, 60"
LVC-E16 303SS, 72"
LVC-E51 316SS, 12 "
LVC-E52 316SS, 24"
LVC-E53 316SS, 36"
LVC-E54 316SS, 48"
LVC-E55 316SS, 60"
LVC-E56 316SS, 72''
Threaded Single Electrode Holder
LVC-S3 3/8 MNPT for 1 LVC-E electrode, open terminal, 316 SS/PTFE
Threaded Multi-Electrode Assemblies (Includes Junction Box)
LVC-N1-SS Stainless steel, 1 MNPT, for 1 LVC-E electrode
LVC-N2-SS Stainless steel, 2 MNPT, for 2 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N3-SS Stainless steel, 2 MNPT, for 3 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N4-SS Stainless steel, 2-1/2 MNPT, for 4 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N5-SS Stainless steel, 3 MNPT, for 5 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N6-SS Stainless steel, 3 MNPT, for 6 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N7-SS Stainless steel, 3 MNPT, for 7 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N1-BR Brass, 1 MNPT, for 1 LVC-E electrode
LVC-N2-BR Brass, 2 MNPT, for 2 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N3-BR Brass, 2 MNPT, for 3 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N4-BR Brass, 2-1/2 MNPT, for 4 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N5-BR Brass, 3 MNPT, for 5 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N6-BR Brass, 3 MNPT, for 6 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N7-BR Brass, 3 MNPT, for 7 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N1-C Cast iron, 1 MNPT, for 1 LVC-E electrode
LVC-N2-C Cast iron, 2 MNPT, for 2 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N3-C Cast iron, 2 MNPT, for 3 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N4-C Cast iron, 2-1/2 MNPT, for 4 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N5-C Cast iron, 3 MNPT, for 5 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N6-C Cast iron, 3 MNPT, for 6 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-N7-C Cast iron, 3 MNPT, for 7 LVC-E electrodes
Flanged Multi-Electrode Assemblies (Includes Junction Box)
LVC-F1-SS Stainless steel, 1", for 1 LVC-E electrode
LVC-F2-SS Stainless steel, 2", for 2 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F3-SS Stainless steel, 2", for 3 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F4-SS Stainless steel, 2-1/2", for 4 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F5-SS Stainless steel, 3", for 5 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F6-SS Stainless steel, 3", for 6 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F7-SS Stainless steel, 3", for 7 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F1-CI Cast iron, 1", for 1 LVC-E electrode
LVC-F2-CI Cast iron, 2", for 2 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F3-CI Cast iron, 2", for 3 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F4-CI Cast iron, 2-1/2", for 4 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F5-CI Cast iron, 3", for 5 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F6-CI Cast iron, 3", for 6 LVC-E electrodes
LVC-F7-CI Cast iron, 3", for 7 LVC-E electrodes
Standard Relay Electronics
LVC511 10 Amps resistive at up to 120 Vac, 8-pin socket
LVC512 10 Amps resistive at up to 120 Vac, 11-pin socket
LVC521 10 Amps resistive at up to 120 Vac, open circuit board
LVC551 8 Amps resistive at up to 120 Vac, FM listed
LVC552 8 Amps resistive at up to 120 Vac, UL listed
LVC553 8 Amps resistive at up to 120 Vac, CSA listed

注释: Comes complete with operator's manual.
Direct action standard; for inverse action, add suffix "-INV" to model number, no additional cost.
Inverse normally used for pump up or low level applications.

LVC-N1-SS电导率液位开关 美国omega


美国omega LVC-103电容液位开关

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