详细介绍: 新年快乐!CH3-10Q/190触头盒
CH3-10Q/190触头盒 可靠,源自科技! 公司其它相关供应: CH3-10Q/150触头盒 CH3-10Q/180触头盒 CH3-10Q/190触头盒 CH3-10Q/208触头盒 CH3-10Q/250触头盒 CH3-10Q/280触头盒 CH3-10Q/210触头盒 CH3-24KV/185触头盒 CH4-40.5KV触头盒 JYN2触头盒 触头盒 The Contact BOX Series触头盒系列 产品概述 General Descrtption 1.触头盒为环氧树脂APG工艺压力凝胶成型结构,用于各种手车式开关柜,起绝缘隔离和联接过渡作用。 The contact box is formed byepoxy with APG technies,it is used for insulation isolation and connection transition of various switch trucks. 2.型号含义 型号含义 使用条件 Operation Condition 1.海拔高度不超过1000M Altitude:≤1000m; 2.周围气温+40℃~10℃; Ambient temperature:+40℃~10℃; 3.当空气温度+20℃时,相对湿度布超过95% The relative humidity shall not be more than 95%at+20℃ ambient temperature; 4.无严重影响触头盒绝缘的气体、蒸汽、灰尘及其它爆炸性和腐蚀介质的场所。 NO gas ,wapor or dust that may severely affect the insulation of contact box,no explosive or corrosive substance. 技术数据和要求 Technical Date &Requirement 技术数据和要求 |