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HE200ACM530变压器T-2A-52713-1 变送器放大图片

产品价格:6   元(人民币)
发货地:厦门  (发货期:当天内发货)
其他资料下载: 厦门纪扬



简要说明:进口牌的HE200ACM530变压器T-2A-52713-1 变送器产品:估价:6,规格:123,产品系列编号:123


  光电开关 E2E-X10ME1
急停按钮 AB6E-3BV02PRM 2常闭5A
升降按钮 ZB2BE102C
升降开关 ZB2BE101C
电磁阀 SY7120-5G-02
触摸式传感器 P11DDB-36-02
伺服驱动器 EDB-10APA
传感器 NS-A003
放大器 NS-WL1
通讯线 CNV2E-8P-7M
伺服驱动器 MDS-D-SVJ13-10NA
AME-1995-1514 Ametek Gemco阿美特克 1995 PLS?
Specially Engineered Part # / Product?
4x20ma Input?
Special Software?
Mechanical Relays?
(7) H 8" L 18" W 12" 
AME-1995-1440 阿美特克Gemco 1995请这请包括制动监控选项和特殊的软件。本软件增加了multprogram速度偏移和基于时间的输出到
标准的软件。舞会是焊接到插座和一个特殊的salastic复合应用于电路板增加分量分离冲击与振动1 / 15
(7) H 8" L 18" W 12" 

AME-1995-1512 Ametek Gemco阿美特克 可编程限位开关?
Micro-Set Series 1995 PLS Programmer ?
Specially Engineered with a Brake Monitor & Lockout Security Software 9/15?
(7) H 8" L 18" W 12" 
AME-1995-1524 Ametek Gemco 1995 可编程限位开关?
Similar to the 1995-B-6M-P-X?
With Specially Engineered Software?
(7) H 8" L 18" W 12" Box
AME-1995-1529 Ametek Gemco Micro-Set 可编程限位开关与复位预设和运动检测?
(7)H 8“L 18”W 12
AME-1995-1446 Ametek Gemco Display?
Series 1995 Rotary Remote Display?
3/4 Inch L.E.D. Digital Display that also has an L.E.D. Bars every 10 Degrees in a Circular Pattern / Display?
Center Digital Display can indicate either Position or RPM?
Ideal for mechanical stamping presses and shears?
Display can be mounted up to 1000 Feet from programmer?

AME-1995-A-6M-P-12B-E6M 阿美特克Ametek Gemco Micro-Set 可编程限位开关.标准微设置PLS解析器输入。1995a-6m-p-12b-e6m?
6m =数量。6、机械继电器单刀双掷10安培?
P =专用软件与多道程序速度偏移和基于时间的输出标准的软件功能?
e6m =?
(12)H 10“L 14”W 8
AME-1995-A-6M-P-X Ametek Gemco Micro-Set 可编程限位开关?
Model 1995A-6M-P-X ?
1995A Micro-set PLS Programmer with Reset & Motion Detect?
For Resolver Input?
6M = Qty 6, Mechanical Output Relays, SPDT 10 AMP?
P = Special Software with Multiprogram Speed Offset?
and Time Based Outputs to standard software features?
X = Open chassis style for panel mount, no enclosure is to be supplied?

(7) H 8" L 18" W 12" Box
AME-1995-A-6M-X-12A Ametek Gemco Micro-Set 可编程限位开关. Standard Micro-set PLS-Resolver Input. 1995A-6M-X-12A ?
1995A + Micro-set PLS Programmer with Reset & Motion Detect.?
6M = Qty. 6, Mechanical Relay SPDT 10 AMP?
X = Standard Software?
12A = NEMA 12 Enclosure
AME-1995-A-6M-P-12A Ametek Gemco Micro-Set 可编程限位开关. Standard Micro-set PLS-Resolver Input. 1995A-6M-P-X ?
1995A Micro-set PLS Programmer with Reset & Motion Detect?
6M = Qty. 6, Mechanical Relay SPDT 10 AMP?
P = Special Software with Multiprogam Speed Offset and Time Based Outputs to standard software features?
12A - NEMA 12 Enclosure
AME-1995-A-6M-X-12B-E6M Ametek Gemco 可编程限位开关 model 1995-A-6M-X-12B-E6M?
Micro-Set Series 1995 PLS Programmer with Reset to Preset & Motion Detect?
A = Resolver Input only?
6M = Qty. 6 Mechanical Output Relays SPDT @ 10 Amp?
X =Standard Software?
12B = NEMA 12 Enclosure with room for 2 Expansion Modules?
E6M = Factory Mounted Expansion Module with 6 Mechanical Relays. SPDT @ 10 AMP
AME-1995-A-6M-X-X Ametek Gemco Micro Set 可编程限位开关?
Part 1995-A-6M-X-X?
With Reset to Preset & Motion Detect?
1995 Series PLS?
A = Resolver Input Only?
6M = 6 Mechanical Output Relays?
Single Pole Double Throw?
X = Standard Software?
X = Open Chassis, no enclosure provided?
Expansion modules can be ordered separately?
(7) H 8" L 18" W 12" 

AME-1995-B-6M-P-12A 公司gemco可编程限位开关模型1995 - B - 6m - P - 12a?
微型机系列,1995 programmer PLS与复位到preset &运动detect?
b = resolver输入与制动显示器6m =数量。6的机械输出C spdt @ 10 amp?
P =专用软件adds multiprogram速度对胶印和时间为基础的outputs到标准的软件features?
第十二12只programmer =不
AME-1995-B-6M-P-12B-E06M Ametek Gemco 可编程限位开关 1995-b-6m-p-12b-e6m?模型
B =解析器输入制动监测?
6m =数量。6机械输出继电器SPDT @ 10安培?
P =特殊软件增加了多道程序速度偏移和基于时间的输出标准的软件功能?
12b = NEMA 12外壳2扩展模块?室
e6m =工厂安装6机械继电器扩展模块。单刀双掷开关@ 10安培
AME-1995-B-6M-P-X 公司gemco可编程限位开关模型1995 - B - 6m - P - x?
微型机系列,1995 programmer PLS与复位到preset & detect运动吗?
b = resolver输入与制动的显示器?
6m =数量。6的机械输出C spdt @ 10 AMP的吗?
P =专用软件adds multiprogram速度对胶印和时间为基础的outputs到标准的软件的特点吗?
X =开放chassis不enclosure。扩建模块ordered separately吗?
公司gemco微集可编程限位开关。标准的微集- PLS resolver输入。1995a 6m - P - x?
1995a微集programmer PLS与复位和运动detect吗?
6m =数量。6,机械继电器spdt 10 AMP的吗?
P =专用软件与multiprogramspeed对胶印和时间为基础的outputs到标准的软件的特点吗?
X chassis开放-没有enclosure吗?
(7)“L H 8 12 18“W”

AME-1995-B-6M-X-12A Ametek Gemco 可编程限位开关 model 1995-B-6M-X-12A?
Micro-Set Series 1995 PLS Programmer with Reset to Preset & Motion Detect?
B = Resolver Input with Brake Monitor?
6M = Qty. 6 Mechanical Output Relays SPDT @ 10 Amp?
X = Standard software features?
12A = NEMA 12 Enclosure
AME-1995-B-6M-X-X 可编程限位开关?Gemco微集电刷
模型(1995年x?6m X
解决monitor?制动输入和b =
机械继电器单刀双掷(SPDT)=6 6m,10 amp?
software?x =标准
在x =开机箱外壳扩展模块,以separately?
阿美可编程限位开关Gemco微集。标准输入法解决了微集。1995年- 6 - P的?X
(7)h 8的“L W 12“18”

AME-1995-L-6M-P-12A Ametek Gemco Micro Set 可编程限位开关 model 1995-L-6M-P-12A with reset to Preset & Motion Detect?
L = Linear input Only?
6M = Qty. 6, Mechanical Output Relays. Single Pole Double Throw, 10 AMP?
P = Special Software. Adds Multiprogram Speed Offset and Time Based Outputs to the Standard Software?
12A = NEMA 12 Enclosure for the programmer only
AME-1995-L-6M-X-12A Ametek Gemco Micro Set 可编程限位开关 model 1995-L-6M-X-12A with reset to Preset & Motion Detect?
L = Linear input Only?
6M = Qty. 6, Mechanical Output Relays. Single Pole Double Throw, 10 AMP?
X = Standard Software?
12A = NEMA 12 Enclosure for the programmer only
AME-1995-L-6M-X-X Ametek Gemco Micro Set 可编程限位开关 与复位预设和运动检测?模型1995-l-6m-x-x
L =线性输入?
X =标准软件?
X =打开底盘没有外壳(扩展模块单独订购)?
(7)H 8“L 18”W 12

AME-1995-E-3A3D-6 Ametek Gemco Expansion Modules for the 1995 PLS. ?
3A3D = Output Relays, Qty 3 AC @ 1 AMP 70 - 250 Volt & Qty 3 DC @ 2 AMP 5 - 60 Volt?
6 = 6 Foot Cable Length, Maximum Length 300 Feet?
Maximum of 4 Output Modules per PLS
AME-1995-E-6M-6 阿美特克Gemco输出扩展模块1995-e-6m-6?
1995 =使用1995请?
E =扩展模块?
6m = 6机械继电器?
单刀双掷开关@ 10安培?
6 = 6英尺的电缆连接组件sd0401200l6 PLS?
(2)H 4“L 7.50”W 5
AME-1986A-1-X-R-X Ametek Gemco Resolver Series 1986?
第二1986a - 1 - x -的R - X?
与输入轴3 / 4英寸的吗?
1 =标准输出?
X =单匝的解决?
R =标准后贴装连接器?
在x =选项?
外壳符合NEMA 4?
又名sd0284c & sd0284200吗?
1 / 17?
(10)“L 9(5盒6“W”
AME-1986B-1-X-R-X 解决1986?阿美Gemco系列
B = 2.25 inch?广场法兰安装
与3 / 8英寸直径的输入轴?
单匝resolver?x =
后方安装connector?R =标准
在x = options?
(10)“L H 5 9 6“W”
AME-SD0401600L10 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS Module. This cable is 10 Feet long with Straight Connectors
AME-SD0401600L100 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS Module. This cable is 100 Foot Long with Straight Connectors. Add 2.00 per foot for cables over 100 feet long?
(7) H 12.00" L 12.00" W 12.00"?
AME-SD0401600L15 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly?
For use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS Module?
15 Feet Long with a Straight Connector?
Add 2.00 per foot for cables over 15 Feet Long?
(2) H 2.00" L 6.00" W 6.00"?
AME-SD0401600L150 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly?
For use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS Module?
150 Feet Long with a Straight Connector?
Add 2.00 per foot for cables over 150 Feet Long?
(10) H 4.00" L 8.00" W 8.00"
AME-SD0401600L275 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS Module. This cable is 275 Feet Long with Straight Connectors. Add or subtract 2.00 per foot for different length cables?
(21) H 4.00" L 8.00" W 8.00"?

AME-SD0401600L30 阿美assembly?Gemco电缆
用以解决单匝和PLS module?1995
每英尺的电缆),2脚是在30 long?
(3)“L H 2 6 6“W”

AME-SD0401600L300 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS Module. This cable is 300 Feet Long with Straight Connectors. Add or subtract 2.00 per foot for different length cables (23)
AME-SD0401600L40 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS Module. This cable is 30 Feet long with Straight Connectors. Add 2.00 per foot for cables over 30 feet long (3) 127.00
AME-SD0401600L50 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS Module. This cable is 50 Feet long with Straight Connectors. Add 2.00 per foot for cables over 50 feet long?
(4) H 6.00" L 6.00" W 6.00"?

AME-SD0401600L75 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS Module. This cable is 75 Foot Long with Straight Connectors. Add 2.00 per foot for cables over 75 feet long
AME-SD0430800L15 Ametek Gemco Cable & Connector Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS. This cable is 15 Feet long with a Right Angle Connector for the Resolver. 15 = 15 Feet. Other Lengths are available. Add 2.00 per Foot?
(2) H 4.00" L 8.00" W 4.00"?
AME-SD0430800L30 Ametek Gemco Cable & Connector Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS. This cable is 30 Feet long with a Right Angle Connector for the Resolver. 30 = 30 Feet. Other Lengths are available. Add or subtract 2.00 per Foot
AME-SD0430800L50 Ametek Gemco Cable & Connector Assembly for use with a Single Turn Resolver and a 1995 PLS. This cable is 30 Feet long with a Right Angle Connector for the Resolver. 50 = 50 Feet. Other Lengths are available. Add or subtract 2.00 per Foot
AME-SD0430800L66 与单圈旋转变压器与1995请使用AMETEK Gemco线缆和连接器组件。这个电缆是66英尺长的直角连接器的解析器。
66 = 66英尺。其他长度可用。每脚加2减
ame-sd0395100 Ametek Gemco Relay
Brake Monitor Input Relay?
For a 1995-B PLS?
Solid State, 110 VAC Input?

AME-1995-1446 阿美特克Gemco显示?
3 / 4英寸LED数字显示,还具有LED酒吧每10度的圆形图案/显示?

AME-04523022 Ametek Gemco Relay?
Mechanical Output Relay?
For 1992 & 1995 PLS?

AME-04521186 Ametek Gemco Part PLS?
Terminal Strip?
For a 1995 Micro-Set PLS?
PLS to Expansion Module Cable?
16 Terminal / Place?
Part AME-04521186?
aka 04-521186 1/16?
(1LB) H 4" L 5" W 4" 

AME-04521187 Ametek Gemco Part PLS?
Terminal Strip?
For a 1995 Micro-Set PLS?
PLS to Expansion Module Cable?
24 Terminal / Place?
Part AME-04521187?
aka 04-521187 1/16?
(1LB) H 4" L 5" W 4" 

AME-SD0401200L06 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly for use with the 1995 PLS Output Expansion Module or the 1995 Remote Display.?
L06 = 6 Foot Long. Other lengths available, add 1.00 / Foot over 6 feet and change part number?
(3) H 6.00" L 6.00" W 6.00"?

AME-SD0401200L25 Ametek Gemco Cable Assembly. Controller to Remote Display. 25 Feet Long. Other lengths available, add 1.00 for each additional foot?

AME-SD0401200L6 Ametek Gemco Output Expansion Module Cable Assembly (Up to 6 ft. included. Add $1 for each additional foot.); Product line: 1995E?
(1) H 6.00" L 6.00" W 6.00"?

AME-SD0406100 Ametek Gemco Mounting Kit?
Shock Mounting Kit?
For a 1995 PLS?

HIC-HCTA4215 哈贝尔开关型4215?
115 / 230 VDC触点额定5安培的?
又名hcta4215 1 / 17?
(15)H 8“L 12”W 8“盒
HIC-HCTAM92B Hubbell Switch Type 4215?
115 / 230 VDC触点额定5安培的?
6周出货10 / 16
HIC-HCTAMG1 Hubbell Switch Type 4215?
Magnet Controller Lift / Drop Switch?
With Overlapping Contacts?
Both Lift & Drop Operations are Maintained?
Heavy Duty Double Break Contacts?
Contact Rating 115 / 230 VDC 5 AMP?
Lever Operated?
50 Degrees Each Direction From CL?
aka HCTAMG1?
4 Weeks to Ship
HIC-HCTA4215 Hubbell Switch Type 4215?
115 / 230 VDC触点额定5安培的?
又名hcta4215 1 / 17?
(15)H 8“L 12”W 8“盒
HIC-HC99848001 Hubbell Switch Type 4211?
Lift / Drop Switch?
Surface Mounting Master Switch?
Part HIC-HC99848001?
aka 4211-125M1SX1 11/16?
(15) H 8" L 12" W 8" Box
HIC-99848002 Hubbell Switch Type 4211?
Lift / Drop Switch?
Flush Mounting Master Switch?
Part HIC-99848002?
aka 4211-125M1FX1?
20 Days to Ship?
(15) H 8" L 12" W 8" Box
HIC-HC59401002 他4291?更新/配件盒
4291 2?型尺寸
1套接触,弹簧及线圈s for lift contactor?
1套接触,弹簧及contactor?线圈s for drop
1 rectifier?极性研究
1线圈set of and for economizing contactor?接触磁铁
辅助接触contactor?Assembly for 1滴
1 / dsm?放电传感器模块
1滴/ dr?中继
3周Ships in NC 11 / 16?FOB
(25)“L H 10 10 16“W”对话框
HIC-HC59401003 Hubbell Renewal / Spare Parts Kit 4291 & 4295?
Type 4291 & 4295, Size 3?
1 Set of Contacts, Springs & 线圈s for Lift Contactor?
1 Set of Contacts, Springs & 线圈s for Drop Contactor?
1 Polarity Sensing Rectifier?
1 Set of Contacts and 线圈 for Magnet Economizing Contactor?
Above when applicable?
1 Auxiliary Contact Assembly for Drop Contactor?
1 Discharge Sensor Module / DSM?
1 Drop Relay / DR?
Part HIC-HC59401003?
Ships in 2 Weeks FOB NC?
(25) H 10" L 16" W 10" Box
HIC-HC59401004 Hubbell Renewal / Spare Parts Kit 4291 & 4295?
1放电传感器模块/ DSM?
1下降继电器/ DR?
(25)H 10“L 16”W 10“盒
HIC-HC91804202 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
230 / 250伏直流系统电压?
230 / 250伏直流控制电压?
NEMA 3R外壳?
(170bs)H 46“16”W 44”?
箱上打滑电机运费只有11 / 16
HIC-HC91819202 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
Type 4291 Varistor Type Automatic Discharge?
Size 3 130 AMP Maximum Magnet Current?
Full Voltage Magnet Controller?
230 / 250 Volt DC System Voltage?
230 / 250 Volt DC Control Voltage?
1.92 Minimum Cold Magnet OHMS?
NEMA 3R Enclosure?
22.25" Wide 40.125" High 13" Deep 180 ?
Part HIC-HC91819202?
Ships in 5 Weeks FOB NC?
(200BS) H 46" L 16" W 44" ?
Box on Skid Motor Freight Only 11/16
HIC-HC91820201 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
Type 4291 Varistor Type Automatic Discharge?
Size 3 130 AMP Maximum Magnet Current?
Full Voltage Magnet Controller?
230 / 250 Volt DC System Voltage?
12 / 24 Volt DC Control Voltage?
Open Panel, no Enclosure?
XX.XX" Wide XX.XXX" High XX" Deep XXX ?
Part HIC-HC91820201?
Ships in 5 Weeks FOB NC?
(XXX) H XX" L XX" W XX" ?
Box on Skid Motor Freight Only 11/16
HIC-HC91811202 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
大小4 / 127安培最大磁铁电流?
275 / 200伏直流系统电压?
230 / 250伏直流控制电压?
NEMA 3R外壳?
箱上打滑电机运费只有11 / 16
HIC-HC91811201 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
Type 4291 Varistor Type Automatic Discharge?
Generator Booster Type?
Size 4 175 / 127 AMP Maximum Magnet Current?
275 / 200 Volt DC System Voltage?
230 / 250 Volt DC Control Voltage?
1.43 Minimum Cold Magnet OHMS?
Open Panel, No Enclosure?
Part HIC-HC91811201?
Ships in 5 Weeks FOB NC?
(XXX) H XX" L XX" W XX" ?
Box on Skid Motor Freight Only 11/16
HIC-HC91810205 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
Type 4291 Varistor Type Automatic Discharge?
Generator Booster Type?
Size 3 130 / 95 AMP Maximum Magnet Current?
Full Voltage Magnet Controller?
275 / 200 Volt DC System Voltage?
230 / 250 Volt DC Control Voltage?
1.92 Minimum Cold Magnet OHMS?
Open Panel, No Enclosure?
Part HIC-HC91810205?
Ships in 5 Weeks FOB NC?
(XXX) H XX" L XX" W XX" ?
Box on Skid Motor Freight Only 11/16
HIC-HC91812202 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
大小5 / 255安培最大磁铁电流?
275 / 200伏直流系统电压?
230 / 250伏直流控制电压?
NEMA 3R外壳?
箱上打滑电机运费只有11 / 16
HIC-HC91808202 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
Type 4291 Varistor Type Automatic Discharge?
Reduced Voltage ?
Size 4 130 / 101 AMP Maximum Magnet Current?
250 / 180 Volt DC System Voltage?
230 / 250 Volt DC Control Voltage?
1.43 Minimum Cold Magnet OHMS?
NEMA 3R Enclosure?
Part HIC-HC91808202?
Ships in 5 Weeks FOB NC?
(XXX) H XX" L XX" W XX" ?
Box on Skid Motor Freight Only 11/16
HIC-HC91809203 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
Type 4291 Varistor Type Automatic Discharge?
Reduces Voltage ?
Size 5 350 / 274 AMP Maximum Magnet Current?
250 / 180 Volt DC System Voltage?
230 / 250 Volt DC Control Voltage?
0.71 Minimum Cold Magnet OHMS?
NEMA 3R Enclosure?
31.25" Wide 48.125" High 16" Deep?
Part HIC-HC91809203?
Ships in 5 Weeks FOB NC?
(XXX) H 54" L 36" W 52" ?
Box on Skid Motor Freight Only 11/16
HIC-HC91916002 Hubbell Euclid Lifting Magnet Controller?
Type 4291 Varistor Type Automatic Discharge?
Reduced Voltage ?
Size 5A 500 / 391 AMP Maximum Magnet Current?
250 / 180 Volt DC System Voltage?
230 / 250 Volt DC Control Voltage?
0.50 Minimum Cold Magnet OHMS?
NEMA 3R Enclosure?
31.25" Wide 48.125" High 16" Deep?
Part HIC-HC91916002?
Ships in 5 Weeks FOB NC?
(XXX) H 54" L 36" W 52" ?
Box on Skid Motor Freight Only 11/16
HIC-HC91883201 Hubbell Type 4291 Size 5 Generator-Booster Magnet Controller 12/24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91883202 Hubbell Type 4292 Yardmaster Magnet Controller 230/250vdc Control Circuit 
HIC-HC91883203 Hubbell Type 4291 Size 5 Generator-Booster Magnet Controller 12/24vdc Control 6-8 wks]
HIC-HC91883204 Hubbell Type 4292 Yardmaster Magnet Controller?
Part HIC-HC91883204?
24 Volt DC Control Circuit?
Ships in 3 to 4 Weeks
HIC-HC91883205 Hubbell Type 4292 Yardmaster Circuit 
HIC-HC91883206 Hubbell Type 4292 Yardmaster Circuit 
HIC-HC91883207 Hubbell Type 4292 Yardmaster Magnet Controller 115/125 vdc Control Circuit 
HIC-HC91883208 Hubbell Type 4292 Yardmaster Magnet Controller 115/125 vdc Control Circuit 
HIC-HCTA4215 Hubbell Switch Type 4215?
Magnet Controller Lift / Drop Switch?
Both Lift & Drop Operations are Maintained?
Heavy Duty Double Break Contacts?
Contact Rating 115 / 230 VDC 5 AMP?
Lever Operated?
50 Degrees Each Direction From CL?
aka HCTA4215 1/17?
4 Weeks to Ship NC?
(15) H 8" L 12" W 8" Box
HIC-HC4292001301 哈贝尔电梯控制器?磁铁
NEMA 3R外壳,室内/室外,黄色,通风?
(100)H 20“30”W 16”框?滑
HIC-HC4292001302 Hubbell Lift Magnet Controller?
Type 4292P Yardmaster Pup?
Compact Controller For Scrap Yards?
For Light to Medium Scrap Handling Applications?
Size 2?
24 to 250 Volts DC Control Circuit Voltage?
For Pushbutton Control?
Mechanically Interlocked "Lift & "Drop"?
High Thermal Capacity Discharge Varistor Assembly?
NEMA Rated Mill Duty Contactors?
Open Chassis Design?
Part HIC-HC4292001302?
(90) H 20" L 30" W 16" Box on Skid?
Motor Freight Only
HIC-HC4292001303 Hubbell Lift Magnet Controller?
Type 4292P Yardmaster Pup?
Compact Controller For Scrap Yards?
For Light to Medium Scrap Handling Applications?
Size 2?
12 Volts DC Control Circuit Voltage?
For Pushbutton Control?
Mechanically Interlocked "Lift & "Drop"?
High Thermal Capacity Discharge Varistor Assembly?
NEMA Rated Mill Duty Contactors?
NEMA 3R Enclosure, Indoor / Outdoor, Yellow, Ventilated?
Cabinet Dimensions 15" High 24 Wide" 12.5 Deep"?
Part HIC-HC4292001303?
(100) H 20" L 30" W 16" Box on Skid?
Motor Freight Only
HIC-HC4292001304 Hubbell Lift Magnet Controller?
Type 4292P Yardmaster Pup?
Compact Controller For Scrap Yards?
For Light to Medium Scrap Handling Applications?
Size 2?
12 Volts DC Control Circuit Voltage?
For Pushbutton Control?
Mechanically Interlocked "Lift & "Drop"?
High Thermal Capacity Discharge Varistor Assembly?
NEMA Rated Mill Duty Contactors?
Open Chassis Design?
Part HIC-HC4292001304?
(90) H 20" L 30" W 16" Box on Skid?
Motor Freight Only
HIC-HC4292001305 Hubbell Lift Magnet Controller?
Type 4292P Yardmaster Pup?
Compact Controller For Scrap Yards?
For Light to Medium Scrap Handling Applications?
Size 2?
230 to 250 Volts DC Control Circuit Voltage?
For Pushbutton Control?
Mechanically Interlocked "Lift & "Drop"?
High Thermal Capacity Discharge Varistor Assembly?
NEMA Rated Mill Duty Contactors?
NEMA 3R Enclosure, Indoor / Outdoor, Yellow, Ventilated?
Cabinet Dimensions 15" High 24 Wide" 12.5 Deep"?
Part HIC-HC4292001305?
(100) H 20" L 30" W 16" Box on Skid?
Motor Freight Only
HIC-HC4292001306 Hubbell Lift Magnet Controller?
Type 4292P Yardmaster Pup?
Compact Controller For Scrap Yards?
For Light to Medium Scrap Handling Applications?
Size 2?
230 to 250 Volts DC Control Circuit Voltage?
For Pushbutton Control?
Mechanically Interlocked "Lift & "Drop"?
High Thermal Capacity Discharge Varistor Assembly?
NEMA Rated Mill Duty Contactors?
Open Chassis Design?
Part HIC-HC4292001306?
(90) H 20" L 30" W 16" Box on Skid?
Motor Freight Only
HIC-HC4292001307 Hubbell Lift Magnet Controller?
Type 4292P Yardmaster Pup?
Compact Controller For Scrap Yards?
For Light to Medium Scrap Handling Applications?
Size 2?
115 Volts DC Control Circuit Voltage?
For Pushbutton Control?
Mechanically Interlocked "Lift & "Drop"?
High Thermal Capacity Discharge Varistor Assembly?
NEMA Rated Mill Duty Contactors?
NEMA 3R Enclosure, Indoor / Outdoor, Yellow, Ventilated?
Cabinet Dimensions 15" High 24 Wide" 12.5 Deep"?
Part HIC-HC4292001307?
(100) H 20" L 30" W 16" Box on Skid?
Motor Freight Only
HIC-HC4292001308 Hubbell Lift Magnet Controller?
Type 4292P Yardmaster Pup?
Compact Controller For Scrap Yards?
For Light to Medium Scrap Handling Applications?
Size 2?
115 to 125 Volts DC Control Circuit Voltage?
For Pushbutton Control?
Mechanically Interlocked "Lift & "Drop"?
High Thermal Capacity Discharge Varistor Assembly?
NEMA Rated Mill Duty Contactors?
Open Chassis Design?
Part HIC-HC4292001308?
(90) H 20" L 30" W 16" Box on Skid?
Motor Freight Only
HIC-HCTA4215 Hubbell Switch Type 4215?
Magnet Controller Lift / Drop Switch?
Both Lift & Drop Operations are Maintained?
Heavy Duty Double Break Contacts?
Contact Rating 115 / 230 VDC 5 AMP?
Lever Operated?
50 Degrees Each Direction From CL?
aka HCTA4215 1/17?
4 Weeks to Ship NC?
(15) H 8" L 12" W 8" Box
HIC-HC59323101 Hubbell 5210 Size 2 300vdc 3p NO 25a Copper Tips 115/125vdc Control 
HIC-HC59322104 Hubbell 5110 NEMA 2 600vac 2p NO 50a Copper Tips 230/250vdc Control (same as 5210 DC Contactor) 
HIC-HC59322102 Hubbell 5110 NEMA 2 600vac 2p NO 50a Copper Tips 115/125vdc Control (same as 5210 DC Contactor) 
HIC-HC59322108 Hubbell 5110 NEMA 2 600vac 2p NO 50a Copper Tips 24vdc Control (same as 5210 DC Contactor) 
HIC-HC59322116 Hubbell 5110 NEMA 2 600vac 2p NO 50a Copper Tips 12vdc Control (same as 5210 DC Contactor) 
HIC-HC59322103 Hubbell 5210 Size 2 300vdc 2p NO 25a Copper Tips 230/250vdc Control 
HIC-HC59322101 Hubbell 5210 Size 2 300vdc 2p NO 25a Copper Tips 115/125vdc Control 
HIC-HC59322107 Hubbell 5210 Size 2 300vdc 2p NO 25a Copper Tips 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC59322115 Hubbell 5210 Size 2 300vdc 2p NO 25a Copper Tips 12vdc Control 
HIC-HC42856001 Hubbell Arc Shield Kit-NEMA 2 1 wk]
HIC-HC59672003 Hubbell Contact Kit?
Size 2?
Item 1?
Includes items 2, 3 & 4 Plus Hardware?
Part HIC-HC59672003?
aka HC59672-003?
aka 59672003?
Ships in 1 to 2 Weeks 1/17
HIC-HC68014001 Hubbell 线圈?
4292 Magnet Controller Parts?
Part HIC-HC68014001?
Operating 线圈?
Item 10 Device D?
NEMA Size 2?
NO = Normally Open?
230 / 250 Volt DC?
Stock to 2 Weeks 4/16
HIC-HC68014004 Hubbell Operting 线圈-NEMA 1/2 24v 4 wks]
HIC-HC68014007 Hubbell Operting 线圈-NEMA 1/2 12v 4 wks]
HIC-HC68014002 Hubbell Operting 线圈-NEMA 1/2 115/125v 
HIC-HC71386005 Hubbell Rectifier/Arc Suppressor (RECT/MOV) Stock]
HIC-HC03009021 Hubbell Part?
Discharge Resistor Assembly?
Part HIC-HC03009021
HIC-HC31658038 Hubbell Drop Relay (DR) 1 wk]
HIC-HC47288066 Hubbell Diode. D1 Factory Stock
HIC-HC48686001 Hubbell Potentiometer (P1) Stock]
HIC-HC48684001 Hubbell Discharge Sensor Module (DSM) Stock]
HIC-FU2701 Hubbell Drop Fuse (RFU) 3 wks]
HIC-FU2700 Hubbell Fuse?
4 AMP 600 Volt AC / DC?
13/32" X 1.5" Long?
[Stock] 11/16
HIC-HC91911005 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 1C, 7-13 Amp. 
HIC-HC91911006 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 1C, 13-25 Amp. 
HIC-HC91843201 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 1, 7-13 Amp. Magnet Controller 230/250vdc Control 
HIC-HC91843202 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 1, 7-13 Amp. Magnet Controller 230/250vdc Control 
HIC-HC91861201 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 4, 130-175 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91861202 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 4, 130-175 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91863201 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 3B, 85-130 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91863202 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 3B, 85-130 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91877201 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 2, 25-50 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91877202 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 2, 25-50 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91877203 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 2, 25-50 Amp. 
HIC-HC91877204 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 2, 25-50 Amp. 
HIC-HC91880201 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 3A, 50-85 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91880202 Hubbell Type 4295 Size 3A, 50-85 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91907003 Hubbell Type 4296 Size 1C, 13-25 Amp. 
HIC-HC91912002 Hubbell Type 4296 Size 2, 25-50 Amp. 
HIC-HC91912004 Hubbell Type 4296 Size 2, 25-50 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91913002 Hubbell Type 4296 Size 1, 13-25 Amp. 
HIC-HC91913004 Hubbell Type 4296 Size 1, 13-25 Amp. Magnet Controller 24vdc Control 
HIC-HC91920002 Hubbell Type 4296 Size 4, 130-175 Amp. Magnet Controller 230/250vdc Control 
HIC-HCTAM92B Hubbell Switch Type 4215?
Magnet Controller Lift / Drop Switch?
For Type 4296 Controller?
Lift Operation Maintained?
Drop Operation Momentary?
Heavy Duty Double Break Contacts?
Contact Rating 115 / 230 VDC 5 AMP?
Lever Operated?
50 Degrees Each Direction From CL?
aka HCTAM92?
6 Weeks to Ship 10/16
HIC-HC43108626004 Hubbell 4310 Fused Magnet Disconnect Switch?
Designed to safely allow the operator of a lifting magnet to disconnect the highly inductive magnet while the magnet is still energized.?
Standard safety switches are not designed to safely disconnect an energized magnet.?
The 4310 has (3) power poles?
Two normally open power poles to disconnect the incoming power and a third normally closed power pole that shunts the magnets energy into a discharge resistor when the disconnect is switched to the off position. ?
NEMA 3R Wall Mount Enclosure ?
Rated at 300 Volts DC Maximum?
All Switches have a Padlock thru-the door operator?
High Capacity Discharge Resistor?
Fused at 100 AMPS?
67 Magnet AMPS Maximum?
Enclosure 29" High 12.63" Wide 10" Deep?
Part HIC-HC43108626004
HIC-HC43108626002 Hubbell 4310 Fused Magnet Disconnect Switch?
Designed to safely allow the operator of a lifting magnet to disconnect the highly inductive magnet while the magnet is still energized.?
Standard safety switches are not designed to safely disconnect an energized magnet.?
The 4310 has (3) power poles?
Two normally open power poles to disconnect the incoming power and a third normally closed power pole that shunts the magnets energy into a discharge resistor when the disconnect is switched to the off position. ?
NEMA 3R Wall Mount Enclosure ?
Rated at 300 Volts DC Maximum?
All Switches have a Padlock thru-the door operator?
High Capacity Discharge Resistor?
Fused at 200 AMPS?
134 Magnet AMPS Maximum?
Enclosure 29" High 12.63" Wide 10" Deep?
Part HIC-HC43108626002
HIC-HC43108626001 Hubbell 4310 Fused Magnet Disconnect Switch?
Designed to safely allow the operator of a lifting magnet to disconnect the highly inductive magnet while the magnet is still energized.?
Standard safety switches are not designed to safely disconnect an energized magnet.?
The 4310 has (3) power poles?
Two normally open power poles to disconnect the incoming power and a third normally closed power pole that shunts the magnets energy into a discharge resistor when the disconnect is switched to the off position. ?
NEMA 3R Wall Mount Enclosure ?
Rated at 300 Volts DC Maximum?
All Switches have a Padlock thru-the door operator?
High Capacity Discharge Resistor?
Fused at 400 AMPS?
267 Magnet AMPS Maximum?
Enclosure 31.25" High 24" Wide 13.29" Deep?
Part HIC-HC43108626001
HIC-HC14429464609 Hubbell DC Contactor?
Type 264?
400 AMP?
Part HIC-HC14429464609?
aka 14-429-464-609?

HIC-HC14193805569 Hubbell DC Contactor?
Type 264?
400 AMP?
Part HIC-HC14193805569?
aka 14-193-805-569?

HIC-HC14429464514 Hubbell DC Contactor?
Type 264?
400 AMP?
Part HC14429464514?
aka 14-429-464-514?

HIC-HC14428131605 Hubbell DC Contactor?
Type 264?
400 AMP?
Part HIC-HC14428131605?
aka 14-428-131-605?

HIC-HC14428131510 Hubbell DC Contactor?
Type 264?
400 AMP?
Part HIC-HC14428131510?
aka 14-428-131-510?

HIC-HC14428131602 Hubbell DC Contactor?
Type 264?
400 AMP?
Part HIC-HC14428131602?
aka 14-428-131-602?

HIC-HC14193805509 Hubbell DC Contactor?
Type 264?
400 AMP?
Part HIC-HC14193805509?
aka 14-193-805-509?

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