详细介绍: 高压 XRNP-12、XRNP-24、XRNP-40.5[详细内容] □本产品使用于户内交流50Hz,额定电压3.6-40.KV系统作为电压互感器的过载及短路保护之用。(通过了国家高压电器质量监督检测中心型式试验,产品符合GBl5166.2和IEC282-1)。 This product can be used in indoor system of Ac50Hz and rated voltage of 3.6-40.5KV to protect the voltage mutual-inductor from over loading and circuit break.(tested by-inductor from overloading and circ-uit break.(Tested by National high-voltage quality Supervising and Testing Center,in accordance with GBl5166.2 and lEC282-1). ◆型号说明 Type instruction