详细介绍: CT19BW弹簧操作机构CT19弹簧操作机构
联系人:王总 联系电话:0577-27880112 手机:手机:13362763534
CT19BN 型弹簧操动机构同时具有电动机储能和手动储能两种,合闸操作有合闸电磁铁及手动按钮两种,分闸操作有分闸电磁铁、过流脱扣电磁铁及手动按钮三种。
1. 环境温度:不高于+40℃,不低于-25℃ (储运时周围空气温度上限 +40℃,下限-40℃);
2. 海拔高度:不超过1000m;
3. 相对湿度:日平均值不大于95%,月平均值不大于90%(+25℃),
4. 没有火灾、危险,没有严重污秽,无化学腐蚀及经常性剧烈震动的场所。
看,还可以签订合同,求法律效应,让您放心购买,我们一直驾守 “ 诚信、务实、稳 健、高效 ” 的经营理念,不断开拓进取,效力于电力事业的发展。我们深
信 “ 用一流的人才,出一流的产品, 做一流的服务,创一流的效益,争一流的企业 ” 是我们公司的宗旨。
Summary: CT19BN type spring operation mechanism, to exercise move 35 KV vacuum circuit breaker and reactive power feeder equivalent SF6 circuit breaker, less oil circuit breaker use, the properties of product conform to GB1984-89 standard and high voltage circuit breaker communication product requirements of technical specifications.
CT19BN type spring operation system and has two kinds of electromotor and hand machine, close brake operating have close brake electromagnet and manual button two kinds, break-brake operations have break-brake electromagnet, flow tripping electromagnet and manual button 3 kinds.
The agency is in CT19, and on the basis of extensive absorption advantages of similar products at home and abroad, and combining with actual situation, overcome the current shortage of similar products, with the latest idea design and become, the agency before the top output, reduce the loss of many organizations, compared with other similar products, with small noise, smooth operation, compact structure, small volume, light manual energy storage, and long service life etc. Characteristics.
Use environmental conditions:
1. The environment temperature: no higher than + 40 ℃, no less than-25 ℃ (storage and transportation around when air temperature limit + 40 ℃, floor-40 ℃);
2. The altitude: no more than 1000 m;
3. Relative humidity: day average no greater than 95%, on average less than 90% (+ 25 ℃),
Saturated steam pressure: average, is no more than 2.2 x 10-3 Mpa, on average is not more than 1.8 x 10-3 Mpa;
4. No fire and explosion danger, no serious impurity, no chemical corrosion and frequent violent vibration of places.