





    发布者:lingliang  发布时间:2023-02-03 13:40:30  访问次数:142

          1. Features ? High Sensitivity and High SNR Performance Linear CCD ? 1024, 2048 or 4096 Resolution with 10 μm Square Pixels ? 512, 1024 or 2048 Resolution with 14 μm Square Pixels ? 100% Aperture, Built-in Anti-Blooming, No Lag ? Camera Link® Data Format (Base Configuration) ? High Data Rate Up to 60 Mpixels/s ? Flexible and Easy to Operate via RS232 Control: – Gain: 0 dB to 40 dB by Step of 0.05 dB – Output Format: 8, 10 or 12-bit Data – Offset (for Contrast Expansion) – Trigger Mode: Free Run or External Trigger Modes – Data Output Mode (Dual, Single) ? Multi Camera Synchronization ? Single Power Supply: DC 12V to 24V ? Very Compact Design: 56 x 60 x 39.4 mm (w, h, l) ? High Reliability – CE and FCC Compliant ? C or F (Nikon) Mount Adapter (Lens Not Supplied) ? T2 (M42 x 0.75) or M42 x 1 Mount Adapter (Lens Not Supplied)

          2. Description This camera is designed with three concepts in mind: accuracy, versatility and easy implementation. ? The same compact mechanical design incorporates all the sensors, from 512 to 4096 pixels. ? e2v manages the whole chain, from the sensor to the camera. The result is a camera able to work up to 12-bit, with a dedicated electronics offering an excellent signal to noise ratio. ? The programmable settings let the user work at different integration time, gain and offset. The external clock and trigger synchronize several cameras.

          3. Applications Performance and reliability of this camera make it well suited for the most demanding industrial applications, from web inspection to document scanning, from surface inspection to metrology

          4. Typical Performances Note: 1. LSB are given for 12-bit configuration 2. nJ/cm2 measured on the sensor Table 4-1. Typical Performances Parameter Value Unit Sensor Characteristics at Maximum Pixel Rate Resolution 512 1024 2048 4096 pixels Pixel size (square) 14 – 14 10 14 10 – 10 μm μm Max Line rate 98 53 28 14 kHz Anti blooming x 150 – Radiometric Performances (Maximum Pixel Rate, Tamb = 25°C) Output format 12 (also configurable in 8 or 10) bit Spectral range 250 - 1100 nm Linearity < 1 % Gain range (step of 0.047 dB) Gmin 0 Gnom 18 Gmax 30 dB Peak response(1)(2) with 14 μm pitch 10 μm pitch 130 50 1040 400 4180 1600 LSB/(nJ/cm2 ) LSB/(nJ/cm2 ) Dynamic Range Effective bit 67.4 11.2 49 8.2 37 6.2 dB bit Input RMS Noise with 14 μm pitch 10 μm pitch 14 37 pJ/cm2 pJ/cm2 PRNU (Pixel Response Non Uniformity) ± 3% (± 10% max) % Mechanical and Electrical Interface Size (w x h x l) 56 x 60 x 39.4 mm Lens mount C, F, T2, M42 x 1 – Sensor alignment (See “Sensor Alignment” on page 16) ?x,y = ±50 – ?z = ±30 – ?tiltz = 0-35 ?θx,y = ±0.2 μm ° Power supply DC, single 12 to 24V V Power dissipation < 7 W Operating temperature(3) 0 to 65 (non condensing) °C Storage temperature -40 to 75 (non condensing) °C pixel 10x10 μm pixel 14x14 μm 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 200 400 600 800 10

           5. Camera Description Figure 5-1. Camera Synoptic The Camera Link line scan is based on a two-tap linear CCD. Therefore, two analog chains process odd and even pixel outputs of the linear sensor. The CCD signal processing encompasses the correlated double sampling (CDS), the dark level correction (dark pixel clamping), the gain (PGA) and offset correction and finally the analog to digital conversion on 12-bit. Note: PGA stands for Programmable Gain Array. The camera is powered by a single DC power supply from 12V to 24V. The functional interface (data and control) is provided with the Camera Link interface. The camera uses the base configuration of Camera Link standard. Note: DVAL = 1 and FVAL = 0 The data can be delivered either on two channels or on a single multiplexed channel. The data format can be configured in 8-, 10- or 12-bit. The camera can be used with external triggers (TRIG1 and TRIG2 signals) in different trigger modes (see “Synchronization Mode” on page 6). The camera can be also clocked externally, allowing system synchronization and/or multi-camera synchronization. The camera configuration and settings are performed via a serial line. This interface is used for: ? Gain, offset setting ? Dynamic range, data rate setting ? Trigger mode setting: free run or external trigger modes ? Integration time setting: in free running and external trigger mode Linear CCD 2 taps CCD Drivers Even pixels analog chain PGA, CDS, ADC 12-bit at 30 Mpixels/s Odd pixels analog chain PGA, CDS, ADC 12-bit at 30 Mpixels/s Microcontroller CameraLinkTM transceiver TX RX Power supplies DC power Camera LinkR I/F Sequencer c

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